Protection Light won't go off......HELP!!


Bronze Member
Username: Iidbombii

Post Number: 30
Registered: Jan-06
Ok I've got 2 12" Kicker Comp Vrs (2 ohm DVC) and a Lanzar 2000 watt 2 channel amp. They are wired in series. That's what I was told to do.

The fuses look fine. What could be some other problems???

Nate So
Unregistered guest
Lanzar is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to amps. That wiring seems legit if you did it correctly. The positive from the amp should go to one of the positives from on sub, then to one of the positives from the other sub. The same should be done for the negatives. THen link the positive on the first sub to the negative on the first sub, then the same on the second.

Gold Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 4863
Registered: Jul-05
^^Optidriven would,

Anywho, have u checked ur inline fuses and the ones on ur amp???

Gold Member
Username: Tjmutlow

Post Number: 1306
Registered: Sep-05
is that amp bridged, is so that maybe one of the problems, if the subs are ran truly in sereis then you have an 8ohm load, and it would be ok bridged,just not very much power, and if it is ran series/parrale with a 2ohm load, then you may have burnt the amp if it is bridged...

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksbutg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 284
Registered: Aug-05
well for nate so statement to be tru is there soiund comming out of the sub at all.????????????if not the subs are not hooked up right
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