here's a few specs SPS technology allows user to change impediance or rebuild sub if neccesary 3" peak to peak excursion 2 3/4 4 layer voice coil Radial vent cooling Sure set impedance selection 1 cubic foot sealed enclosure volume 450 watts RMS 4 ohm per voice coil impedance 94 db sensitivity 20 -350 hz frequency response Dense copolymer woofer cone 7 3/8 mounting depth 3" linear excurtion works with sealed or ported enclosure
James, Would you go with a G5 or a Brahma? Nobody up here has heard of them and I kind of like the idea of not having the same thing as everyone else. I'm looking for SQL and I can get them for reasonably close price wise
The g5 is a much more musical sub then the brahma, I would compare it to the w6v2 in SQ and will get loud as well, maybe not as loud as the brahma but very very close. It is a great sub
that's the way I think I'm leaning It's the only one I can actually listen to and I think it's kind of cool that a user can replace the voice coil/cone assembly easily and fairly cheaply. I'm not crazy about buying sight unseen. Do you have any suggestions for an amp? The shop is recommending a Boston GT-22, but it's a little pricey at about $430 would something cheaper like a JBL gto1201.1 or orion 1200d be clean enough or do you have any other suggestions