I was looking into building a competition vehicle with 4 18" SX's with two orion 2500D's. i was interested in constructing a wall for the subs, and I was wondering what size do most people make their walls? And what frequency does the termlab like the most (like whats the loudest hz to burp at) I am probably just going to get a signal generator and a db meter and test the different frequencies, but anyone have any ideas on what size cu. ft for the wall? plus, more vent mach the better right?(given you dont have any port noise.) I was going to originally go with 9 12's, but they have the same surface area as 4 18", and the 18's would put me in a diffrent competition class. plus the 18's would be cheaper to power.
i dont no much about competitions, but i do no that re makes louder subs than the sx (xxx, mt, mx- a newer sub, its not on the website yet) and im pretty sure that the loudest freq is sumwhere between 40 & 50hz, 45ish probably
i wanted to go with the MT, but i have a 12" MT and i have to somehow supply 300 Amps of current to that bad boy to get it going at full tilt. i wanted to go with the SX because i could power that alot easier than an MT.
that would be awesome casey 4 18'' sx's with 2 orion 2500d's , that is going to be SOOO LOUDDDD. I cant really help ya out on the enclosure but theres plenty of people here who can