Why is everybody so down on cheaper brands? There has to be equipment out there in everybody's price range. Personally I installed four pyramid red series subs in my friends vehical on an audiobahn amp and he was loud as h@!!. Of corse it was not as clean sounding as a higer end system,but you culd hear him acouple blocks away!!!
i dunno i been trying to figure it out... i mean i spent 2 grand on my car.... 500 is the most ima b able to put into my stero... i wanted to experiment with "Legacy" so i bought a 4,000 watt amp for 170 shipped i had 2 alpine type r's 10" with the amp turned half way up.... IT THROBBED my ears... so i dunno i think some people just dont like off brands... but i know when i go shopping i buy off brand cerials and stuff and they taste the same :-p
You are right Kyle !! Last year my brother and i both spent about 1500 each,and when I put in my friend cheap system and he was just as loud for about a third of the price i was pissed
yea, so my current system is going to end up costing me about $300-350 total and ur ganna hear me 5 blocks away ill keep u updated... so far i got that amp + a alpine type R 12" older for 45 $ shipped ... ganna build my own box... all i need is 1 more sub.. and ima try to get another deal like i got on that alpine... need a better HU tho but ill probaly just buy a stolen 1 off the street
The biggest problem with Pyramid/Legacy is the ridiculous MAX Power ratings they stick on thier amps that newbies have no reason not to believe.
Kyle, not sure if you noticed or not, but the manual for that amp has it rated at 450x2 at 2 ohms stereo (900w bridged). There are SEVERAL refurbished amps available that are significantly more powerful for the same or less money.
My budget choices are Profile, Power Acoustik, Jensen, Lanzar Vibe.
1- not too great sounding though can be loud 2- not durable 3- there are better
its like everything else in life there r different levels u can get into . when u get 2 a higher level anything below it will not satisfy u . $ determines it all if u want good stuff but obviously not every1 can afford the better/best things including myself .......
Hey opti you are right. That is why people like us who have better than average knowledge should post here continuosly.Maybe we can educate the less knowledgeble consumer so they know what they get. We all know as a rule of thumb you dont trust companys generally that stamp wattage on amps or speaker fronts.Newbies dont.
Hey ROVIN you are right too.I cant afford that real compition stuff either, but I still think some people have heard a car going down the street and asked the driver what they have and are shocked when it is a cheap brand. Some people dont want to admit that a crap brand sounds good sometimes
so isnt it false advertizment if they say 4,000 watts and are only 400... i mean f*** ... the legacy amp is just about 2 feet long.. and thumped my 2 alpine type r 10" subwoofers harder then my 600 watt kenwood amp. (model KAC-8xxx)
so what your saying is that the legacy amp cannot power 2 alpine type rs?(12")
also i thought Jensen and dual are the same company and what i hear about dual is that it is garbage
4 of any sub is going to b loud. even 4 sonys are going to be loud, and the reason u bump is because u hav 2 type r's, not bc u hav a cheap amp. type r's are good, they dont't cost alot either, so im not sure why you consider them a "cheap" brand
kyle - it's not false advertisement because they don't quantify it.
If they just say 4000w and someone tries to call them on it they can come back with -- "Well, it WILL do 4000w for 1/10 sec. at 50 hz with an 18v constant current supply in a cryogenic chamber before it bursts into flames." Therefore it's not false advertisment.
A good rule of thumb on bargain barrell amps is to look at the fuses on the amp. Take the total current and multiply by 10 - it varies, but typically you won't get TOO much more power than that.
fuses have nothing to do with making power.. the cheaper companies are starting to catch on to that and simply just add larger fuses but this does work for the most case of estimating how much the map will put out
As far as output. 1000 (Honest) Legacy Watts, will sound the same as 1000 (Honest) JL Watts.
The differences come in where Rovin stated. Not to mention the "bells and whistles" JL gives such as running at ANY voltage and putting out their given power.
This goes for ANY brands though. Rule of thumb, you get what you pay for.