Looking for a couple of subs for a 99 Jetta. I think I've narrowed it down to either Alpine SWR-1222 or JL 12W3v2. I will be running these with an eclipse 34230 amp (370 x 2 a 4 ohms, NOT bridgeable) and building my own box. I am looking for dual 2 ohm voice coils on whatever I buy.
I can get the 2 Alpines for about $325 from an authorized dealer with warranty (not a big fan of buying from un-authorized internet dealers). The JL's would likely be $150 more - I think in the $450 range, but I am checking.
I know JL has a better reputation for subs, so many of the JL faithful will obviously vote for JL -- but these Alpines seem to be getting awesome reviews from owners. I know Alpine pre 2005 subs where not worthy -- but with the newer SWR that came out last year, they seem to be gaining some credibility. I listen mainly to Rock, Country and some rap / hip hop (when the kids are along...)
i've never really done a head to head comparison of the 2 but i think the Jl's will get louder. both sound very good and i would give the jl the slight advantage in sound quality. I have some w3v2's and they are a very accurate sounding sub. if price isn't that big of an issue than you should go w/ the JL's.
Just talked to the JL dealer (also an Alpine dealer) and he is convinced that I should go with two JL Audio 13W1v2-4 instead of the Alpine SWR-1222. He actually played the two JLs and two of the Alpine Type R's. He simply moved the speaker leads back and forth from the JL to the Alpines and the JL were noticeably louder (The specs say they are more efficient, so I guess that makes sense. When both were pushed to higher volume, the JL's seem to sound better too, which surprised me...
The JLs have only a 200 Watt RMS power rating vs. the Apline at 500 watts. I'm planning on pushing 370 into these....so the JL spec makes me a little nervous.
What do ya'll think -- now looking at 13W1v2-4 VS. SWR-1222 -- the price is the same, so I'm torn.
13W1v2 is going to sound better than the Type Rs, I doubt a properly powered W1v2 will get louder than the new Type R, though. It will be more efficient, but that doesn't mean louder in the end.
The JLs are going to sound better, they have a superior motor design. That's why they sounded better at higher volumes. I'd bet the Type R is still louder, though.
Choose what you like better, two of either will likely get loud enough to meet your goals.
Thanks Jonathan. What are your thoughts on the power handling of the JLs? They are rated at 200 watts and I'll be hooking them to 370...seems like a stretch to me, but the dealer (he is an award winning installer with a fair amount of experience in the JL product line) says they can take it... any one else have an opinion?
Doesn't hurt to have excess power if you use it correctly. Headroom is a good thing. It's more common to blow a driver due to slightly underpowering because clipping raises the average power output of the amplifier.
get the 13w1v2's they are different and wont be the same thing that everybody else has 2 alpine type R's. plus they will be deeper than the 12" alpines.