they were putting the "brown note" to the test, supposably there is a not that will cause you to uncontrallably crap urself. but they didnt find that. they had about sixteen 15" speakers hitting at 154 db's outside. 1st it was 5 khz at 110 db. or some thing like that you need to watch that epesode to under stand it all. was pretty crazy though. the air that was moving was moving air in his lungs. pretty interesitng.
well thehy probly dont even know what there talkin about and think 154 is high, should put that guy in one of them port wars cars and see if its any thing like that.
i counted.. they had 4 boxes with 6 subs in each.. 24 subs in total. they were ported boxes, but they put foam in the ports to hit the lows starting at 5 hz... i was waiting for Adam to shit himself, lmao.. woulda bin great. There was one frequency where the sound crew and everyone except Adam started to feel dizzy and wierd.. i dunno why. Adam said it felt as if someone was beating on his chest while ur talking, u kno that feeling, except he felt it from just breathing.