I have 2 aw1251t 12" audiobahn subs and 2 a8002t amp's. I have each amp wired seperatly for each sub. now I want to get the most out of the amps which would require me to wire a 4 ohm mono giving me 800w from each amp to each sub. NOW my PROBLEM is I want to bridge my amp to run them mono but with the dvc subs I either get a 2ohm load when wired in parralel or an 8 ohm load when wired in series. I dont even know what proper rms wattage I'll get at 8ohm from the amp and I believe you cant bridge the amp at 2ohm. NOW MY QUESTION Is....is there anyway that I can wire the subs to get a 4 ohm mono load or am I stuck with the 400 watts rms @ 2 ohm stereo