i got a POS custom box that i built... and my subs are like popping when they hit a quick bass note... i know its becuase of the box, but is this bad for the sub? im gettin a new box in a week or so... should i keep the volume low or listen to the popping?
from ur description that "popping" is actually ur sub bottoming out ! - meaning VC slapping against back plate & u know what will happen .....
prolly due 2 box being too big or tuned too high & ur giving it a lower fre bass that waht it was tuned 4 . Do correct the situation if u want ur sub 2 live still .......
Hey - whatever happened last wk when u were having problems & i posted - did u get through ???....
yea, i got it all fixed, seriouesly thanks to you, i took a 18' foot fan wire and got it threw. it was the REM wire that needed to be connected.i got the box's dementions from the booklet that cam with the subs (or amp) i think its the wood... i hold it down and it kinda goes away. like the whole box isn't really connected or anything...
could be that ur sub is vibrating around the edge where it scewed onto the woods surface - put something there 2 stop that . If ur box was carpeted then then the carpet would provide that cushion which would prevent that .
could also be joints in ur box are not secured too well also - thats why i use that product liquid nails when i'm building a box ........
yea... im usin 4 of the 8 holes in the subs... and im using the amp briged. and its only 1 ohm stable and the subs are duel 4 ohm, my friend said i might be running the amp at .5 ohm... is he right? the amp is only 1,2,3,4 ohm stable
yea... the box is basically ported, because of all the holes on the sids and stuff, like im sure if you add them all up it makes a decent port... sorry to say. but yea... my buddy just came over and is going to start makin the box tomorrow WOOT