this is kevin wrubel. i'm not at home, and i forgot my pass, but i need some quick help.
i made a platform for my amp to go under, and i'm trying to figure out how to cut the plexiglass down to size. what can i use?
i've been reccomended a jigsaw(cuts too sloppy), getting a finer blade for a table saw(can't do right now). is there any other option? it's quarter inch plexiglass.
Get a speacial blade for the jigsaw man, one for cutting plastics, more specificly, plexiglass maybe, thats probably your best bet, or take it to your local hardware? Dan.
Depending on how odd the cut is you can use an exacto knife .. cut it about halfway then poor alcohol on it.. light it on fire and break it off. that is how you get clean cuts with glass so it should work fine for plexi. if its thicker use something like a rotozip, or a router