Best Bandpass box


I need help deciding which bandpass is best for dual 12in subs both faceing each other or facing forward & if there both facing forward should there be a divider THANKS

I have the same question

Yes, there should be a divider for a few reasons. First, if one of the subs dies, then the volume of the box will be "twice" as big, as seen by the sub that is still working. This could cause problems and even damage the other sub. The second reason is bracing. Building a box with a divider in the middle will be much sturdier. If you go into any car stereo store you will see that all the dual boxes have dividers. Hope this helps,
Justin Stark

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Username: Joe22086

Post Number: 2
Registered: 12-2003
If you go with the bandpass theirs a couple things you need to know, if you are build a box, (if you go with the Angled box) be sure to find the measurments and angles for the exact angle and spacing that they are supposed to be set, if you do not, they will just hit off each other and eventually have a boxing match between the two (kicking the Crap out both of them.) (If you go with the non-angled box) two words, Deep ness counts (meaning) when you are building the box be sure that the box is the right size for your sub, if it is too small, it will sound like someone is punching the subwoofer, if you have a too big of a box, it will be not loud enough, or what i have experienced is Distortion!!!
So really just make sure that the box is fitted properly for the box, It really doesnt matter (both boxes hit hard) and they will both be great boxes on one circumstance (they are Properly built) also i will have to agree with Justin Make Sure It Is Divided,

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Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 185
Registered: 12-2003
don't confuse bandpass enclosures withisobaric enclosures.
know what you're doing before ever trying to build a banspass box.
thre are different kinds of bandpass boxes as well. different orders.


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