personally i believe that sony and kenwood products are top of the line, but for some reason people on this forum think JL is legitament. JL is very overpriced for cheaply made merchandise. Kenwood and sonys subs dominate in sound quality and loudness. whats the deal with you people and JL?
LOL, sony xplod will tear up the W7.. everyone already knows that.
Posted on
i want to know whats the deal with JL. overpriced by far. 1000watts for $700, sony and kenwood have same specs for less then half the price...whats so great about JL?
Posted on
the W7 is good, but not for the price. sony is much better value
we were all being sarcastic when we said JL was better. we all no that sony's better, almost as good as pyle and pyramid and boss. i cant believe u couldnt tell we were kidding when we said jl is better.
Posted on
well why would you give people advise on buying these expensive subs when for the price you can get much better. Boss and pyramid have very cheap amps that are overrated. Sony is top brand in almost every electronic comparison
man jonathan nothing comes close to the Funky Pups. not even sony comes close to that. i had 2 funky pups in my car and i hit 174 db, and i didnt even hav the volume turned up all the way lol
we really shouldnt answer post from crazy Anonymous, they should register b4 we begin to drop knowledge, we should just let these threads float to the bottom where they belong