I'm looking to find the best 10" sub for rock music that is able to play the full range of bass notes, from the lowest to highest possible. I am looking for (2) subs that have total rms between 700-1000. And they have to be in the price range of $300 dollars max for both. What do you guys think would work?
well, I know you said 2 10s, so this might not help any... but I think you'd be better off spending the $300 on a single sub. Check out the IDMAX 10"...
hmmm....well I'm trying to decide wheter i should sell me two type Rs 12" and get an IDmax 10". should i just save the hassle and keep my set up or would buying an IDMAX or something similar make a big difference?
oh i did not realised i was being asked a question
well i have my box that i used with my previous pioneer 306 subs & its 1.65cuft 3" PVC pipe Ported to 35hz so i'm using this now but i will be experimenting with other volumes in ported & maybe do sealed just 4 the experience 2 hear how it sounds ....i'm currently working on my install & will def have it done b4 this wk is up & most def post some pics .........