There is a guy that wants to use 2 of those in a fiberglass box, on a 1000/1, is it just me or does it seem like a waste of money on that amp, when those subs really can not handle that power? Just want to know what everyone thinks,
The 8W7 is a good performer, but given the enclosure requirement and the depth of the sub, it really isn't all that practical. When you have an 8 that requires .875 cu ft sealed, 1 cu ft ported, is nearly 7" deep, you may as well just get a 10W6v2 or 10W7, there are also plenty of 10" subs out there that do good with smaller boxes and are more shallow. Most people looking for an 8 are looking for something that will fit behind the seat of a regular cab truck, or in a tight space in the trunk of a compact car. IMO the only reason to have an 8W7 is to wow people that think an 8 can't get all that loud or deep.
As far as the amplifier, it won't be a waste if the guy treats the extra power as headroom and not a warranty claim. The sub doesn't need that much power, but it's not a bad thing to have some reserve.
2 8W7's on a 500/1 would be a good idea for that install...1000/1 would pound those subs to the ground after a while....more power is good but when you turn the volume up is when they are gonna be pushed to the point of blowing...i would use a 500/1!!! it would also save some money and it would still sound great!!
Yes simon you beat me to it. i was goin to say that the 500/1 would push those subs just as well as the 1000/1 while the 500/1 has a lot lesser chance of blowing those little 8's.