Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 501 Registered: Dec-05 | ok monday night my brother was commin home to see me and he got in this REALLY bad accident. hes been going threw surgerys everyday, today they amputated his left leg fromt he hip, and he might be paralised for life. i have to do what ever i can to stop my self from takin all the giult... seeing it was my fault for callin and askin him to come here and see me... last time i saw him was for Thanksgiving. me and him were going to hang out and go to parties or what ever. he got in the accident at 8:15 and sent to the hospital at 9:20 what the paramedics where doin for the WHOLE F*CKIN HOUR I DONT' KNOW!!!!!!!! but it was in that time that he was movin around and saved himself. the comp games help me get my mind off this stuf, NE$TER told me i could tel you guys, so yea.. PLEASE tell me if you have any ideas how to help me with this stuff... please![]() |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 4299 Registered: Jul-05 | OMG ! - thats really awful , man...![]() Was the accident cause by him or some other driver ? Either way try not 2 see it as your fault cause sometimes thats how stuff pan out & there's nothing anybody can do about it ... Would advise u 2 get some professional guidance about it cause those ppl r trained 2 handle that kinda stuff , prayers also helps alot too ..... |
Silver Member Username: Graphix1Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T... Post Number: 486 Registered: Oct-05 | Aw sh!t man....thats really really awful.....![]() As rovin said,dont look at it like its your fault,sometimes there is nothing you can do to help a situation. |
Gold Member Username: JmloughreyFarmington, CT Post Number: 1415 Registered: Jul-04 | were you in the were you driving the were you driving the other so what, you called him to come down, it was fate that he was in that car accident. Stop whining like a little girl over the internet. In the end, nobody on here really cares. |
Bronze Member Username: NemenTrinidad & Tobago West... Post Number: 91 Registered: Dec-05 | ouch your a heartless b@stard that was harsh. |
Anonymous | Jeff Loughrey dude , if nolimits' problem is genuine , then you are such an INSENSITIVE B.U.T.T.WIPE !!! oh & there are decent caring ppl on this forum unlike you ! |
Silver Member Username: Graphix1Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T... Post Number: 490 Registered: Oct-05 | What the fvck is wrong with u jeff,are u off your fvcking meds,have u been doing this ![]() How can u say such thing the dudes brother lost his leg godammit... U dont deserve to b on this forum if thats your state of mind u fvcking whacko |
Bronze Member Username: John_washNashville, Tennessee Post Number: 63 Registered: Dec-05 | damn jeff that was some f(_)c!<ed up stuff u said man. u should apologize. |
Anonymous | Jeff Loughrey- U are a heartless son of a b.i.t.c.h u deserve to be |
Silver Member Username: Baseball1187Columbia, SC Post Number: 437 Registered: Dec-04 | yea saying that was pointless |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1432 Registered: Nov-04 | hey nolimit...i just prayed for ya bro...its not ur fault man. but somen that gets my mind off stuff is watching woofer vids also games from i think admin should ban jeff's IP |
Anonymous | Jeff Loughrey- U are a heartless son of a b.i.t.c.h u deserve to be smacked back to sense,No u deserve to be shot till only blood remains u heartless m.o.t.h.a.f.u.c.k.i.n.g b.i.t.c.h. |
Anonymous | jeff-if i knew where u lived and was somewhere close,id find you and smack the fvck out of u. |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 348 Registered: Jun-05 | ya that was horrible jeff wtf is wrong with you nolimit i feel for ya man sorry about it but it wasnt yuor fault nothing you could do about it so try not to blame yourself I am so sorry man ill pray for ya |
Silver Member Username: Islandboy808Mililani, Hawaii US Post Number: 366 Registered: Nov-05 | hey NOL1M1TSOLD1ER im sorry to hear that man if u need someone to talk to we are all here. |
Silver Member Username: Ishkabobble55Erie, Pennsylvania Post Number: 148 Registered: Jul-05 | "11 I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. 12 For man also does not know his time. Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly." thats a quote from the BIBLE, from Ecclesiastes 9:11,12 |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1435 Registered: Nov-04 | Bump every1 pray for nolimit and his family |
Silver Member Username: Alex_fLawrenceburg, Ky Us Post Number: 474 Registered: Nov-05 | it seems like every1 cares jeff, so dont say no1 cares. even anon said u were heartless. i feel really bad for nolimits bro. i bet nolimit would nearly kill u 4 sayin that |
Bronze Member Username: PelonaPost Number: 34 Registered: Dec-05 | that is fvcked up what jeff said. i bet everybody heres had death experiences except jeff. and it hurts like a mother. but dont worry NOL1. it will go away like in a week. just try not to think about it. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 502 Registered: Dec-05 | yea... you have no idea what its like to go threw this stuff. thank you guys so much for helpin me and supoortin me like this. he was in the middle of the intersection and a drunk driver T-boned hime, the doc said that the seet belt saved his life, but would have killed him if he was knocked on concious. his car blew up after like 5 min, the drunk driver's tank exploded. so far hes been knocked out, either from meds of a (coma) but im not sure, to heart breakin to ask the doctor... you know? i truly thank you all for your support, you were the first ones i told, my best friends dont' even know... Jeff, im sorry you feel that way tword me, i hope that you will be nice, i wouldn't wish this on anyone... not even you Jeff |
Silver Member Username: BlainewPost Number: 492 Registered: Nov-05 | nolimit...sorry to hear about that...said a prayer for him..i hope everythings ends up okay with him |
Silver Member Username: BlainewPost Number: 494 Registered: Nov-05 | and can just leave this one wants u here and people DO care about the go lick a C.O.C.K. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 503 Registered: Dec-05 | Alex i normaly would, but i mean, this has really opend my eyes. i've never had a death with someone close to me, this was my frist experience with this type of stuff, so i mean, there really isn't a point to be mean and kill someone, or any negative stuff, life's too short to be mad for any reason, for all anyone know's we could all die tomorrow, so live life happily and try to enjoy it, Jeff isn't a happy person, and im sorry you're not happy... lifes more enjoyable this way... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Graphix1Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T... Post Number: 518 Registered: Oct-05 | I feel ya man,i tell my buddies everyday,live life to the fullest because your not promised a tomorrow........ |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1438 Registered: Nov-04 | glad 2 c u takin this as well as u are...if something like that happened 2 me i dont know wat i do |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 738 Registered: Apr-05 | NOL1M1TSOLD1ER, I am 33 and have been through a lot in my life. I lived life on the edge. I did whatever I wanted and have stories that will scare most people straight. I have had a gun to my head and have been in the county jail as a convict. In December 1997 I hurt my back at work, and therefore have been struggling with it ever since. I didn't understand or accept my condition. It has been extremely difficult to cope with a disability, especially for a physical hard-working construction worker. One day you are working and making money, and the next day you are crawling on the floor to get to the bathroom. My life has changed a lot due to my disability. I can relate to your brothers condition. Yes, I still have all of my members, but I am disabled. In 2003, God called onto me and asked me to come to him. I was saved on 11-05-03. I have been going to church and praising God for everything He has done in my life. I am involved with the youth at my church. I testify how God has helped me quit all of my bad habits. I always thought there will be one day when my back will get better and I will be able to work again and make the money that I used to make. I make extremely less than what I used to make when I was able to work physically. Now I am limited not just at work, but also in my everyday life. I brace myself with my left hand on the sink when I lean forward to brush my teeth. My back hurts when I sit for more than 10 minutes, even driving hurts my back. I used to play 40 hours of basketball a week after school, yes after school. I was extremely athletic (not buff, just athletic). Now I am overweight by 30-40 pounds. A little over a year ago, at our youth night which is Monday night, our youth leader (Steve) told us about his neighbor, Wyatt. Wyatt was at a bar and got stabbed in the back of the neck. He is 18-20 years old. Steve went to his neighbor's house and told his parents that he will pray and ask God to help Wyatt. He also asked us to pray for his neighbor. We prayed for Wyatt on a daily basis. The doctors gave Wyatt no chance. Every week Steve would bring back news about Wyatt. One day Steve came to Monday Night and told us that Wyatt started to move his finger. Wyatt was paralyzed from the neck down. This was a major breakthrough. God started to work on Wyatt. God listened to our prayers. Wyatt's parents were extremely touched. They now started to request that we pray for him even more. As the prayers continued, Wyatt became more and more physical. He got to where he was able to hold his neck up. He then started to move his hands. When he was able to be in public Wyatt came to Monday Night. He testified how God has worked in his life. Wyatt now goes to church and reads the bible. He is a living testimony as are every other Christian believer. Your brother may also be touched by God. It is up to him to accept Jesus into his heart if he hasn't already done so. If your brother is saved, then rest assured, God has a plan for him on the way. Nothing happens in this universe without God giving permission for it to happen. Yes, even painful things happen because God allows them to happen. This doesn't mean that God doesn't like us. God glorifies His name through everything. Perhaps this all happened so that God may use me to testify of God here on this forum so that one person may be changed. Yes, God will do whatever it takes just to bring in one soul. I will pray for your brother and you, and your family. I will ask the youth at Monday Night to pray as well. I trust in God and will wait for Gods deliverance. What is your brother's name? I want to pray for him specifically. May God heal your brother, and comfort you and your family. May God save your souls if you aren't already saved. If there is anyone that is reading this and wants to accept Jesus in to their heart, then just pray and ask Him for a new life. |
Silver Member Username: Alex_fLawrenceburg, Ky Us Post Number: 479 Registered: Nov-05 | wow, thats a lot of stuff. |
Silver Member Username: Killerzracing71Fredericksbutg, Virginia United states Post Number: 235 Registered: Aug-05 | this is for your freind jeff (F@G) ![]() why would you say that the mans freind is really messed up and u come here saying no one cares about it |
Silver Member Username: Alex_fLawrenceburg, Ky Us Post Number: 480 Registered: Nov-05 | |
Silver Member Username: Gavbo211US Post Number: 125 Registered: Jan-05 | Nolimit u picked a good place to turn for help. this past summer one of my best friends was in a car accident and i came to this forum and asked everyone to pray for him. the result was amazing there were well over a hundred ppl that read my post and prayed for my friend. my friend passed on to a better life a week later, but i know that everyones prayers helped him on his was to a better place. your brother is in my prayers.. and jeff, people on this website do care and i am proof of that because i turned to them for help once before and they came through like i would have never imagined. i will ask u politley to leave this forum now, because ur knowledge of car audio means nothing when compared to ice cold heart. people like you, Jeff, are the reason there is a hell. |
Anonymous | jeffs system sucks too and his computer |
Silver Member Username: RhasslerGilford, NH Post Number: 500 Registered: Dec-04 | lol at anon |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 4348 Registered: Jul-05 | I do remember when Gavin Wynne created his thread back then - it was titled something like 'I need all of u guys help on this !' . Too bad on what happened back then but like u said he's moved on to a better place .......peace ... |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1443 Registered: Nov-04 | Mixneffect...dude that was deep, that brung me 2 tears. |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 744 Registered: Apr-05 | God is Good ! All The Time ! All The Time, God Is Good ! |
Silver Member Username: Kojak28Augusta, GA USA Post Number: 163 Registered: Feb-05 | Guys, I just logged on- this is awesome how a bunch of us can come together to help suport one in need. NOL1M1T, we are ALL here for ya' bro'. There are no words to describe Jeff except for the dude has issues and needs JESUS. I have gotten a lot of help from the guys in here over the past few months, but never seen anything quite like this. I will tell ya'll this. I had a friend in the same line of work as myself and I saw him, did business with him all week (a short time ago). Finally saw him on a Friday and then no more. Monday came around and one of my co-workers told me how a drunk driver was involved in a fatal car accident the past Saturdy night. My heart sank. I had just buddied up with this guy. He had just turned 18, working 2 jobs, 1 for his old man. He was a volunteere firefighter also. The drunk driver had been drinking & taking pain meds all day. The fella's name was Gary Graham. The drunk driver pulled out to pass Gary on a double-yellow lined 2 lane HWY. DD swerved off the road, overcorrected & T-bone-crashed Gary in his P/U. Both vehicles rolled a dozen times. Gary was flung almost immediately to the outside. The other vehicle rolled over him violently during its cycle. Gary's best friend watched the whole thing from a few cars back. he said Gary sat up for about 10 seconds from adrenaline after all of it, but died almost instantaneously because of internal injuries & hemorrhaging. 18 years old fellas. Life is short. never a guarantee of tomorrow. And NOL1M1T, this was in no way even close to being your fault. Things happen to good people. In remembrance of Gary Lee Graham. 1987-2005. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 504 Registered: Dec-05 | hes parilised... 90% chance he'll never walk again... this is fo F*CKING HARD GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The some of you that haven't had a tragity happpen to you, you are so fortunate not having to go threw this pain... mixneffect thank you... |
Silver Member Username: Alex_fLawrenceburg, Ky Us Post Number: 488 Registered: Nov-05 | im really sorry dude. i hope nuthin else happens 2 him.just b glad hes still alive, and u can still talk 2 him. |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 745 Registered: Apr-05 | NOL1M1TSOLD1ER, What is your brothers name? I want to pray specifically for him. I will ask our youth to pray for your brother. God Is Good ! I trust in God. I dont just believe in him. I TRUST IN HIM. I ask big things from God because I have an awesome God. He can do BIG things. My God will do big things in your life, your family's life and your brothers life. We just need his name. Blessed be the name of the Lord ! |
Silver Member Username: MrdarkPost Number: 159 Registered: Dec-04 | damn. real sorry nol1m1tsoldier, i hope he will be in the 10% chance. |
Silver Member Username: SpyderEglin AFB, Florida USA Post Number: 237 Registered: Jun-05 | I am so sorry nolimit.....i hope that 10% chance will be what happends....regards to you and your Family! i know about tragity....i lost my grandfather to lung cancer while i was in basic training so i didn't get to go to the funeral. |
New member Username: Greeney88Http://, Minnesota US Post Number: 10 Registered: Jan-06 | hey nolimit, i am really sorry to hear about your brother. if theres anything u need just let us know! ps. jeff.. go urself |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 746 Registered: Apr-05 | NOL1M1TSOLDIER, Halleluiah, Jehovah Raffa Blessed be the name of the lord! I just got back from Monday Night. Help is on the way. I asked our youth to pray for your brother. I asked them to pray that God take your brother into His hands and touch him. I asked that they pray for you and your family as well. Perhaps you may find yourself at a dead-end situation. Do not worry. Trust in the Lord, and He will deliver. God never owes anyone anything. If you ask Him for something that is good and not defiled, He will deliver because God is good. He loves you. He wants you with jealousy. I will keep your brother in my prayers. I will keep you and your family in my prayers every day. May God comfort and guide you as the tough times surround you. Do not give up. With God everything is possible. Peace |
New member Username: DenrikPost Number: 5 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey nolimit, I feel for you bro, though I haven't experienced anything like this i have had a friend who has. Let me first tell you that God is with you man, and your brother. Amen, in Jesus' name everything that Adam and mix has said. My friends mum was diagnosed with cancer and given 2 weeks to live, his mum is a Christian, a couple of friends and I are also strong Christians. Since she was first diagnosed, we all prayed fro her, and for the Lords will to be done on her life, as it stands, she still has a little trouble, but it has now been 6 months and she is completely cured of it. If you haven't known God before, now is the time to turn to him, let him be with you nolimit, call upon his name with faith in your heart and you will be saved, get yourself a bible and start reading. It's the best thing you will ever do in this physical life. I will pray for you, your family and your brother, I will talk to my friends and ask them to pray for you too. Remember, Gods will be done and not mans, again, mix, you're a souljah, good work. More love than the girls that left you, more love than the mums that kept you. Don't be afraid to come to him, don't think you have to clean up and change to come to him, cause he'll change you. Forgive those who trespass on you and he will forgive your trespasses. Be relentless in prayer, don't give up, no matter how bleak it may seem. Praying doesn't change Gods will, it moves his will faster, so may he be with you. If you do know God, then bro, just keep the faith. There are people who care jef, we more than care, we love. Love like our Lord loves us. Don't bring blame upon yourself man, cause there is no way that it is. Remember that k. God bless nolimit, keep strong man, we're all here for ya. Dan. |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 751 Registered: Apr-05 | NOL1M1TSOLD1ER, Hows your brother doing? How is everything going at home? I understand that it must be tough to go through what you are going through right now, but talking about it helps. I just wanted to how things have turned out. It has been a week since you posted last, and saw that you posted in other threads. I understand that it may be tough, but I dont mean to be nosy, just trying to help. I hope your brother is better. I hope he didnt get his leg amputated. If he didnt get his leg amputated he has a very good chance of walking again. Hope things are gettin better, Mixneffect |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 553 Registered: Dec-05 | hey guys hows it goin with your lives? Austin (my brother) came home today. but he hasn't really been with us. we have to take him to a clinik in an hour so they can tell us what to do, we don't trust the hospitals becuase we feel they don't give the right love and compation that is needed for this type of stuff. he looks pretty good, swollen still but looking good. i told him about you guys on the forum, and he said thank you, he loves you all. idk if it was the drugs that said that or if it was him lol... yea just tryin to stay happy over here. thank you guys for your support seriouesly, i'll keep everyone updated on whats going on as it happends |
Silver Member Username: Young_jamesCanada Post Number: 548 Registered: Sep-05 | wow, this is the first time I seen it. Sorry about the whole situation man, but as mixneffect was saying, if we all believe and pray to God, then your brother has a very good chance of walking again. It all relies on faith. |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 758 Registered: Apr-05 | NOL1M1TSOLD1ER, I just got back from Monday Night. As we were walking in and sitting down, this girl asked me about my friend. She said "How's your friend from the internet doing?" I said I don't know I haven't gotten a response yet, but when I do, I will tell the whole youth about him. Now that you responded... When I go next Monday Night, I will DEFINELTY tell them about Austin. They will be so excited to have a name, because so far they have been praying for NOL1M1TSOLD1ER's brother. That's all the information they had. Don't worry the prayers will not stop here. We will continue to pray for Austin, you, and your family. Just because you are far away and we do not physically know you, doesn't mean that we cannot help. Your brother's words are so powerful NOL1M1TSOLD1ER. "And he said thank you, he loves you all". Those are words of victory, and are connected by the Holly Spirit that binds us together. This is not the first time that we have prayed for someone that we did not know, or for someone that needed a miracle. WE ARE NOT miracle workers. GOD IS THE MIRACLE WORKER! We just believe in Him. I told you about Wyatt, right? Well, he is a living testimony that God answered our prayers. We do not ask for merit badges. We do not ask to be interviewed on TV or radio. We just do this from the bottom of our hearts. We do it because God has done us so much good, that we want to share this awesome God with everyone. The best part is that accepting God in your heart doesn't cost a thing. Here is our website address; This website is not fully up and running. It has just a few items on it. It is basically in the beginning stages. Our church doesn't have much money, so we just asked one of our members to build this site. He is doing it in his spare time. Someday we will have more stuff on our website, but for now we just have our home-page and our mission. If you read the home page, it will tell you what our mission is. Our goal is to allow God to save other souls through us. Yes, we want to be useful for God, so that's why we pray for our community. Please keep us posted NOL1M1TSOLD1ER. The more up to date that you keep us, the faster and better the results will be. I am sure your brother can feel Gods help, not just from us at Monday Night, but also other people's prayers as well. For those of you that have prayed for this cause, PLEASE DO NOT STOP praying! Continue to pray for Austin, NOL1M1TSOLD1ER, and their family. God Is Good ! Peace, mixneffect |
Gold Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 4529 Registered: Dec-04 | this is amazing guys just to let you know![]() ps. That was very cruel Jeff! |