the two fuses in my amp,and the fuse connecting to my battery blew. What causes fuses to blow? How do i fix the fuses, do i have to unplug the battery before i put them in? How do i fix this problem?
fuses blow because you pulled too much current across them. i always touch the wire ends together before i put a fuse in, found that the initial "shock" will blow fuses instantly, but everything works fine once its in. obviously this is done when everything is off though.
how much power are you trying to pull and what size fuses are blowing?? also, what gauge wire??
My amp is pushing about 1000 watts bc my alt. will not allow any more power. My amp fuses are 40 amps each. The fuse to my battery is 80 amps. I think 4 gauge wire. My system worked great for about a month then the other night the fuses just blew. How should i fix this?
According to section 16 (wire), a 4 gauge wire will allow up to 125 amps of current draw. Since your system only consumes 80 amps you would be safe with 4 gauge wire.
Your amplifier has been working fine for about a month or so, right?
Sounds like you have a "short circuit".
For some reason, there may be a power wire grounding out and causing your fuses to blow. Check all of your wires out. Twist the wires as you follow them to check to see if there are any cracks/burns on the insulator. If there are any voids in your wire insulators, they may promote a short circuit. Remember electrons may jump. Sometimes they will jump even if they (wires and/or grounding source) are not physically touching.
Also if your amp or wiring is not securely fastened and for some reason the power wiring is exposed, you may get a short circuit if the amp is bouncing around the trunk and grounding out.