I've read that some alternators have a <<slow>> power regulator and when a big change of power happens (like when a deep bass plays) you will see lights dimming for half a second...
But How could you know if it's because a slow regulator or because my alternator is now giving mucho power (amps).
One reason is because, before i changed my stock audio system, and i turn on the a/c or activate the powerlock, my lights would dimm very slightly for half-second too.
How could I be sure it's only because of the slow regulator? Also the only thing comes to my mind is that, if my alternator is not giving enough power my battery light will be on in my indicator.
could be bad wiring somewhere in the car. yours lights shouldn't dim when you lock the dorrs.. it should take significant current draw to cause problems like dimming lights. the slow response thing can be tested by playing an extended bass note. if the lights stay dimmed, it's not the repsonse time, it's the alternator not giving enough current. If the lights dim for just an instant that pop right back to bright, it's just slow response, and a capacitor will filter that