Boss MP3-3195R head unit shorted?


New member
Username: Magii

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
I have a MP3-3195R. Recently my friend decided to put the faceplate on while I was getting in the car and he put it on WRONG. It didn't lock and when we were driving it came loose. It seems to have shorted out, now every button on the face only pauses, if it works at all. I've tried a soft (button) reset and a hard reset, pulling the plug for about 15 minutes, neither worked. I can't find my receipt to return it, is there anything I can do? Anybody know if this can be repaired?

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 2413
Registered: Apr-05
Did any of the contacts get bent or dirty where the faceplate connects to the main unit?

Bronze Member
Username: 420pimp

Post Number: 34
Registered: Dec-05
Go and by another one of the same head unit,make sure you get your recipts and make sure you can get your $ back. Put your broken one in the box of the new one you just bought.Take the new one and put it in your car. Put the old one in the new box take it back and get your money they'll never no the difference...............
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