I have two JL audio 10w3's and a JL audio 500/1 amp. When i wired the subs up im not sure if i did it right. (In the following im only referring to one subwoofer) I took the two positive wires from the voice coils and saldered them to the positive side of the terminal on the insideof the box (making two wires into one, kinda) i did the same thing for the negative powered wires coming from the voice coils and i did the other sub the same way. so only two wires are going to be coming from the terminal on the outside of the box (four total counting the terminal on the other side of the box for the other sub) i havent fully hooked them up yet. it comes ot to be 2 negative and 2 positive wires that need to be hooked into my amp and there is two sets of subwoofer outputs so i think itll work tell me if im wrong
what ver of w3 dou you have the dual 4 or dual 2, if dual 4, you need to run it at the 4ohm load model.The 500/1 is not rated for 1ohm, i run that smae setup in my titan.
pull one out of the box, it is on the bottom of sub. will be d2 or d4 and as far there is no splicing, you will need 4 pieces of speaker wire and then one from the amp.