i no iv asked this b4 but i need some last minute advice, i now hav bout 280 bucks from christmas and i need advice on which to buy. also, is there ne good amps for either at best buy or circuit city?
ya kicker kx amps are very good and underrated. i think some1 on this forum compared the ava to the sx and said the ava had better sq and was louder on the low end[under40hz] but the sx was louder above 40hz.
wait nvm 4get the whole thing im orderin the sx 15. now im jw, does the sx hit low notes well and is also loud around 40- 60hz? is it louder than an mtx 9500? and last question, is there a good amp i could get frum best buy or circuit city to go w/ the sx, and if not wut amp should i get to go w/ it? i don't want it to filter ne hz higher than 20. also, it needs 2 b one ohm stable and price is a factor.
the sx should be close if not louder than the mtx, and the sx has good low end just not as good as the ava, i'd look into the RE 12.1 amp its the cheapest amp online $390 shipped, but if you do buy from cc or bb be prepared to pay a lot, i called once asking about a kx600.1 and they wanted over $400 for it.
bc i got a gift card for circuit city and best buy for christmas, and i might b gettin like 100 more bucks for circuit city, and at best buy i no sum1 who works there that can get me half off i think, so thats why im wonderin bout those places. and i no iv asked it a lot, but does the sx get really really really loud?