New member Username: Lets_talk_soundPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-05 | My friend has 3 treo TSX woofers powered by a visonik 1800 watt digital amp, and its hits every note clear and hard. The TSX's have both SQ and SPL...I have a 1200 watt mono amp and looking to upgrade, should I get 2 TSX's or 1 SSi ? I want my system to be loud but also hit the notes, a good mix of SQ and SPL. Has anyone heard the SSi ? Does it have good SQ as well as SPL ? My other question is my subs right now are visonik 300 rms Dual 4 ohms and there in a box from best buy. They don't hit some notes, is it because something got moved on my amp? my box is bad? or just the subs ? thanks |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 376 Registered: Jul-05 | The SSI is SQ woofer. It has ok spl, but not as much as the TSX. |
New member Username: Lets_talk_soundPost Number: 4 Registered: Dec-05 | did you mix that up ? I think you meant the SSi is a spl woofer, and doesn't have as much sq as the TSX... |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1421 Registered: Sep-04 | yeah the ssi is more inclined to spl.... |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 203 Registered: Sep-05 | noo, the SSI is more SQ, the TSX and SSX is SQL the CSX is SPL! The SQ on the SSI is better than the TSX. But dont get as loud as the TSX The TSX has good SQ and GREAT SPL! It gets just as loud as the SSI or even louder! The SSX is the bigger version of the TSX! CSX if u want alot of SPL! TSI is the entry model, and that still hits hard with decent SQ |
New member Username: Lets_talk_soundPost Number: 6 Registered: Dec-05 | would you go w/ 2 12" TSX's or 1 12" SSi ? |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 205 Registered: Sep-05 | 2 12 TSX I had those and damn, they hit low and hard! If I go back to 12s I would pick Treo any day. Those 2 Tsx 12 should also be louder than the 12 SSI |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1424 Registered: Sep-04 | how so? dont you know the rms power of the ssi is almost double that of the tsx. i highly doubt the tsx is louder..... |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 209 Registered: Sep-05 | u are going to be using 2 subs not 1 u will have a way bigger surface area to move more air, thats why 750 = 1 ssi 400+400 = 2 tsx it should get louder! |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 210 Registered: Sep-05 | both are very under rated I must add! |
New member Username: Lets_talk_soundPost Number: 7 Registered: Dec-05 | have anyone comapred the two subs beside just specs ... is the SQ of the SSi as good as the TSX? |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 211 Registered: Sep-05 | I doubt anyone on here has man! You need to find your local Treo Dealer. There is one about 30 miles from me, like I said I even owned the 2 TSXs 12s and they slammed! I have 2 15 TSXs now! I heard the SSI at the dealer, its sounds spectacular! like I said in the above post, the SSI has more sound quality than the TSX! |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1426 Registered: Sep-04 | B, i agree the 2 tsx should be louder than 1 ssi but you said the tsx was a more spl sub than the ssi which i find hard to be true. |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 378 Registered: Jul-05 | The SSI is more of an SQ woofer. i have a treo dealer very close to my house and i have heard everyone of there subs in a 12 and most in 15 (no csx12). the TSX is an all around sql woofer and can get very loud. i would put at least 500-600watts on each one. Very underrated. b how are u liking the 15s? i wanna get 4 of them in my mountaineer. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 212 Registered: Sep-05 | The SSI wasnt designed as much to get loud, more so designed to sound real real good. The TSX was designed to sound good, and still get loud while doing it. Im not downing a SSI. But I know people runing the TSXs and they get just as loud, thats what I am saying. But feed the SSI that same power and they will sound almost twice as good! But the SSI will handle a more considerable amout of power. If you push the SSI with more power, then it will get damn loud. If I had the cash I would pick a SSX! Cause its no comparison! |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 213 Registered: Sep-05 | Also the maggnet on the 15 TSX is almost double that of a 15 SSI! Thats a little info! I seen your other post Jake, way to go! 4 will be insane! lol My dealer has 2 of the 15s TSX in his Yukon. That sh!t is sick! he shakes the whole damn store, even the walls, counters, everything vibrates!! not to mention set off every car alarm in the parking lot! I had to upgrade to 15s, lol I love Treo period! I plan on hooking up everything b4 the new year! |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 381 Registered: Jul-05 | yeah i agree with you about the SSX. they are amazing and extremely powerful. have you ever heard a CSX? its just sick. they are pretty much only made for test tones though which sucks but noone would need anything more than 2 or 3 SSXs. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 214 Registered: Sep-05 | not double the maggnet but its considerably bigger |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 215 Registered: Sep-05 | my dealer said he has to special order those, CSXs, lol! I think the SSX could be the sickest sub ever! My dream system would have to consist of 2 SSX 18s I think thats all I would need b4 I piss in the car! Treo severly underates their stuff, and they rated the SSX 2500 RMS! That Sh!t would be sick!! |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 382 Registered: Jul-05 | haha true but the CSX is so badass that it doesnt even have a rating...whatever you have put on it. I heard that it doesnt even move unless its 2000+ watts and at 5000-6000 is what it likes. i heard a 15 with a rockford 3000bd and it was loud. very loud. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 216 Registered: Sep-05 | Jake some people are using the CSXs as daily drivers! Its a kid with 2 of them. But the CSX is not a vented sub, thats why its for compition. SSX with same power would run cooler. The SSX is 1 killer sub Jake read this: quote ![]() i know that the CSX is purely spl-oriented, but given that these two subs were placed in near identical environments, does the CSX win over the SSX in spl or can the ssx have a chance? On the real man, up to 3000-3200 watts in the same box and port the SSX is gonna edge the CSX but the CSX can take twice the power/abuse of a SSX.......TREO says the dual 2 CSX can be made to sound musical but the dual 1.4 is built more for all out SPL.....Hope this helps.. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1428 Registered: Sep-04 | are we looking on the same site? lol... on the tsx and ssi have the same motor weight... the csx is rated at 1200w rms and the ssx at 2000-2500 idk where u guys are getting this from? lol yes, maybe the csx is an all out spl driver but when u say it handles so much power they dont even list what it can handle thats false lol. but dont think im arguing about the lack of performance from treo. i do belive they are awesoem subs. i would like to own some some day. right now im going with RE though. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 225 Registered: Sep-05 | im not arguing either trevor. did u read the site? click on specifications.... we got it from Motor Weight on the 15": TSI is 226oz TSX is 298oz SSI is 288oz SSX is 582oz CSX is 874oz Trevor what Treo is doing is covering their butts.. The CSX takes any amout of power from any amp! The webpage even says it! Trevor the 1200rms is what they recomend for burps, NOT for playing music!! Meaning it takes alot more power! A CSX can take 2000rms PER coil on daily driving conditions, 4000rms PER coil for compitions. This is what TREO said. Just give them a call. People been doing it. RE makes good subs too, so pick what you think is and intellegent choice! |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1442 Registered: Sep-04 | b our confused buddy. a subwoofer can take more power during burps than it can playing music. this is because when it plays music it never really gets a chance to cool down. when u play a burp the driver only sees that amount of power for 1-2 seconds. im sure they are VERY underated but if u go around telling people it can only take 1200w for burps and run into an audio enthusiast he will tell u your an idiot. just saving ur a$s ![]() and 298 over 288 isnt even considerable bigger lol... the picture just makes it look twice as big. and dont say it can take any amout of power. i bet if u hook up 2 zapco 4kws you can blow it lol. oh and to save you some money. 2 1000w amps (one each coil) will be no louder than a 2000w amp wired to both coils.... i already ordered my Ses because they were 668 and i couldnt get 4 15 Tsxs for that cheap. i bet they will be great though ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 383 Registered: Jul-05 | still not seeing where it says the CSX can only handle 1200watts...they dont have a sub that is rated at 1200watts. (15 inch) TSi-350 TSX-500 SSi-1000 SSX-2500 CSX-does not list. No sub can take "any" amount of power but theres not many that can keep up with the CSX. I would get MTs over CSXs though...price difference is huge. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1444 Registered: Sep-04 | okay click on the circular csx thing on their site and the info on it pops up. now go down and click view specifications... or something like that. if nothing pops up its because of your pop up blocker. to defeat this hold control c when u click it.... |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 384 Registered: Jul-05 | wow thats crazy...ill call them about it when i get some time but its kinda funny how they have that as there SPL woofer and its less than there SPL/SQL woofer. i had quite a chuckle. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 227 Registered: Sep-05 | trevor first off any damn sub can be blown! thats why they give u a recomended rms power so people dont severly mismatch the subs! if u do, its at your own risk! trevor my bad on that typeo; of course a burp equalls more pwr than music. these subs were strictly designed for SPL! does that answer your question? r u saying the CSX is a 1200 rms sub>? LOL they say on the site they do 1200rms. do u think that is all they take?? if so then only push them with what they recomend! and for your info people are running zappco 9 amps full power on those CSXs! how r u saving me money$$ ? Lamo of course a 2000rms amp will put out the same as 2 1000rms amps. 2 = 1+1 r u supposed to be educated now? or was i supposed to be asking that question??? cause i never even did.... good for u that u bought your SEs... no one is arguing with u kid, but u act like u got a ssi and are offended or something.. lol |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 4119 Registered: Jul-05 | yo B ! - let me briefly interrupt ur 1 on 1 with Trevor cause there's a new Trini on this forum (in case u didn't see him ) |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 228 Registered: Sep-05 | ok, I see. we need to start our own Trini section. lol |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 4120 Registered: Jul-05 | oh nester & i already did ! i posted in ur thread 2 join us but u prolly didn't notice |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 232 Registered: Sep-05 | i have a bad habbit of not checking back on post. lol |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1446 Registered: Sep-04 | B, you were just showing ur lack of knowledge whereas im making known what i dont knwo and explaining what i do. go back and read what i said. i said im sure they can handle more than they are rated for. i bet they can take 3kw burps just fine... but your the one saying they can take any amplifier out there. and then u come back with this "trevor first off any damn sub can be blown!" where did i ever show the sign that i didnt know that? and about the saving money... because i read ur post in the amplifier section and you said ur not sure if u can reach 150 with 1 amp but maybe one for each coil. thats just not necessary.... and about it having more xmax than a 13w7... and about the tsx having almost twice the motor size of an ssi.... its all false.... or are they ALL just typos like a sub can handle more with music not burps... thats not a typo anyways. more like a brain f@rt( wow i cant believe ur not allowed to say f@rt). which humans can have last time i checked. your the one taking everything i say personal because im correcting you, but im only trying to help you out buddy. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1447 Registered: Sep-04 | and idc what they say. if you put 1000wrms to each of your tsx's(again i read that in the amp section) for daily you may suprise urself with the horrible smell of voice coil... i dont see why any company would underrate their sub by twice what it can really take, id be careful.... |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 238 Registered: Sep-05 | buddy, i type these post up so fast, its easy for me to type something before i have even completed the thought. I asked a question, i did not state that they have more xmax than the jls! when i type fast, i put a "?" after, meaning i am asking question. thats what I read, from termpro forum. the maggnet on the tsx is still bigger than the ssi isnt it? that was my whole point, even if its 2 oz bigger. on that other thread, i said 1 amp per coil is just way too much for me! and i didnt have $$ for 4 amps, it would make perfect sense to get 2 2000ds, but im not even going that route. I type these forum fast, when i read your writing, i dont look for accuracy. just look at the length of my posts, I type them quick. if i say something wrong trevor correct me, i will admitt it, if you say something wrong i will tell you. u seem like a wise guy. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 239 Registered: Sep-05 | Trevor for some reason, alot of people at termpro are telling me I can use 1 15tsx with 1000d for daily. NO PROB! no more than 2000 each daily!! i think they are more exprienced than you or any of us over on this forum. If someone has the same sub as I have, and have been runing it safely for over a year, then I will also do it with my sub! Besides that all my equipment is under warranty! |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1451 Registered: Sep-04 | warranty doesnt cover burnt voice coils in almost all cases. if thats what u want then go ahead but im trying to tell you they are professionals, thats why they do those things. a member of team toxic bass had an avalanche setup where he ran 2000w daily to his avalanche. i ran a 1000/1 to mine and i think its blown ( but i did use some bass boost) but the key thing there is the 1000/1 was pushing the limits in my setup. in his, he used 2000w daily. but hes much more experienced. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 241 Registered: Sep-05 | I think they rated the Treo TSX at 350rms when they first came out. lol all treo products received a 30% rms increase last yr Trevor I understand your concern. I would hate to smell that funny odor also.... But you understand my side, if someone can prove me wrong then I will believe it. So i asked a few people over there and they have seen and heard these subs with sevre rms over powered. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 243 Registered: Sep-05 | my dealer told me if i blow them bring em back. his exact words... i swear i must have the craziest treo dealer. they are too coool. he is the 1 who recomended atleast 750rms each. and wants to sell me his amp 1500 for them |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 1452 Registered: Sep-04 | all i have to say is w/e you do decide and get it installed id like to hear the results. i dont think you will be dissapointed. give them proper time for breakin though if u decide to go with a large amount of power. i think its pretty clear now that no1 is trying to show the other up now so we can let that confusion go lol. im going to bed i have to get up early to go skiing. merry christmas man |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 244 Registered: Sep-05 | Trevor like you said it boils down to the install. Better safe than sorry though. I asked a few questions here on this forum and also on TermPro. I am certain my 1000d makes these bad boys do their thing! 2 of them is too extreme, I agree. Im heading to bed too, MERRY XMAS!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: JakeyplaysbassSt. Louis, MO Post Number: 386 Registered: Jul-05 | wow that jumped from level 1 to level 10 in a hurry...remember we all are friends guys. no ones perfect...well im close but i have a hifonics amp soooo. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 245 Registered: Sep-05 | yea, we are all here for each other... lol |