i have a 15" clarion pro audio PXW1542 i payed around 205.00 for it and i dont see it any where esle, is volfeng better than this? im avoidung sony, trying to go with a a bit better quality, i have the alpine CDE-9843, ad i have been told this is not a good one, and i have been told that i could have gotten better quality for what i pay. i think there should be some type of website that has specs and average prices beside every thing and good, bad, and excillent catagories... that would be real helpful to ppl. im lookin into a lanzar amp, not really worried about how it will perform, after i get this im going to get my HU fixed since it my equilizer grounded out through it. and im going to try and get my 250 watt apline V12 amp fixed as well, then invest in another clarion 15" and then get a dual vented 15 inch box. any one have any better ideas... i could install all this stuff my self, but other than that im new to it, and im not great with quality terms... i apreciate your help suggestions and ideas.
well i dont pay any bills, im not driving yet, and i make $10.15/h 8 hours every saterday, in the summer i work pretty much every day. i only have about 100-150 every 2 weeks
i would say do some research around here and various sites while you get some money saved up for when you do start driving , that way you can make a good decision