i just bought a ported box from TCAB and i was wondering if there is any difference between running a ported vs sealed enclosure? im talking like do i have to re tune my amp any special way? do i have to watch what tones i play? will it be just as loud all through the tones like a sealed box? all my experience is with sealed enclosures, this is my first ported.
What sub(s) you running? Definitely takes a bit of finess to tune a vented or ported box. Sealed requires more power to achieve SPL. In ported enclosures, the port does 1/2 the work for the driver. Generally, subsonic filters on mono-block amps should be tuned within 7-8HZ of your tuning frequency of the port. Say you tuned this baby in to 37HZ. If you did not adjust your subsonic filter on the amp & you poured the juice to it, You will smoke the sub. It will just keep throwing until it cooks or the box splinters. I have seen both. It will take MUCH less power to achieve good SPL in a ported enclosure. Be mindful of that.
adam...ported boxes get louder than sealed boxes and they lose just a little bit of SQ...only thing u need 2 watch is the length of ya port and volume of box