I was just thinking and i remembering hearing that the box size makes a difference on how much wattage a subwoofer can handle. Can someone explain to me how this works exactly and if it could cause my sub to keep on blowing.
if you make the box too small it can heat up the woofer to a bad temp. but pretty sure that the box wont affect the RMS of the sub... the box makes a difference on the sound of the sub, but not the wattage
a small box wont heat a woofer up.. a box will decide how a subwoofer sounds, a bad box will ruin the sound of an otherwise good subwoofer.. box size IS important but i doubt that would cause you to burn voice coils (if that is how your subs are blowing) box size WILL affect how much power u can give to a sub without having overexcursion problems.. if you make a box to big for the subwoofer the sub will overextend and damage itself over time.. so keep that in mind the bigger the box the less power that can be driven to it.. the smaller the box the more power it can take because there is less air to move it acts as a stiffer suspension.. however u will sacrifice output in the low frequencies as you go smaller.. box size will not be the same for every woofer as well.. some boxes will suit a certain woofer quiet well but will be much to large for others.. its more likely you have your amp settings wrong that you keep blowing your sub
thanks Mark S for correcting me, didn't mean to give him wrong information.
Posted on
NOL1M1TSOLD1ER,i aint got no beef wid u but come on man!!! stop answering peoples questions with NONSENSE....and i see you went to preschool and learned your alphabet...just in case u forgot,it goes....
yes you are totaly right, in case you didn't know. "i aint got no beef wid u " its "i don't have any beef with you" don't correct me on my grammar if you don't have your grammar totally correct either.
Posted on
lol....my grammar may not be totally correct but people can still understand what im saying if you know what i mean.