Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 73 Registered: Dec-05 | are car-audio thieves a problem where any of you live?? i can name like 5 people around here that live off of selling crap that they've stolen. and i'm beginning to think that the subs i bought off of a friend are stolen too. |
Silver Member Username: TjmutlowPost Number: 469 Registered: Sep-05 | big businees, just ask insurance companies. |
Silver Member Username: Southern_bassJacksonville, Florida U.S. Post Number: 129 Registered: Dec-05 | it happens all the time around here....luckily not to me yet |
Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 74 Registered: Dec-05 | people already come up to me and ask me what i have, and i don't even have anything installed yet. i bet not more then 1 week after i get my stuff installed, someone will try to jack all of it. |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 1376 Registered: Oct-05 | most of the times it is the people that you know who steals your stuff. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 146 Registered: Sep-05 | get a car alarm buddy, and a 45 ruger. some other hints would be to bolt down everything including speaker boxes! unplug the trunk release if its electronic. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPost Number: 373 Registered: Dec-05 | yea thats thwat i did with my car, the electronic trunk pop in my car is disingaged so it won't stop people from breakin into my car, but it will make it a hell of a lot harder |
Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 76 Registered: Dec-05 | yeah. my friends leave there crap in there car even if it's unlocked. i don't have amps, so i took out my sub, and my brother had his stuff installed. but then crashed his car, so all of this is in my basement: <img> all the directed stuff is his. the two 9500's are mine. |
Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 79 Registered: Dec-05 | my badd. this is the pic i meant to post: ![]() the directed stuff is my brothers, and the mtx's are mine. |
Silver Member Username: Graphix1Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T... Post Number: 272 Registered: Oct-05 | there are tons of stuff u can do to avoid the attetion of a thief and/or make it an a$sload harder for him to get ur stuff. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 3315 Registered: Jul-05 | For Huntsville to be a little above average sized city, crime is not that big of a thing here. I dont no anybody that has gotten there stuff stolen, everybody is real laid back and stuff |
Silver Member Username: Alex_fLawrenceburg, Ky Us Post Number: 240 Registered: Nov-05 | chauncey, can u get on aim? |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5093 Registered: Nov-04 | If you don't want crime, live next to a police station. If not, get a dog and chain it near your car. |
Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 85 Registered: Dec-05 | haha, good plan. |
Bronze Member Username: Redbone15367Mo U.S.A. Post Number: 18 Registered: Sep-05 | When I lived in Springfield MO, I left my car for 2 hrs and every thing was gane, now I'm in a town of 3500 and had stuff ripped off at walmart. Can happen anywhere. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 152 Registered: Sep-05 | LET ME GIVE YOU GUYS a little HINT! NEVER BASS: When entering or inside your neighbourhood! Or where ever you are going to be parking your car for extended periods of time!!!!! People around, or in your surroundings CAN SEE & HEAR! You can be easliy noticed as you arrive home, work every day! Then BAAMM, you just got JACKED! No one in my complex even knows I have enough power to shake the whole damn complex! They dont even know I have a radio. But for the people who like to show off when going home, or in the neighbourhood, you asked for it! Most jackings occur becuase people heard you playing your system, and they also know where you park your vehicle! My 2cents... LOL |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3917 Registered: Jul-05 | thats a wise 2cents-lol hey B - u take out pics of your new 15s as yet ????....... |
Bronze Member Username: Ruxpin20DeTroiT, MIchiGan Post Number: 31 Registered: Oct-05 | dude i had my car stolen along with all my system and cd's and anything else of value. This happened right out of my apartments, and listen to whoever said dont bump where you live or where you store your car because thats wat gonna get your shiiiiiiit stolen. The thieving bast@rds didnt even break my window or anything to steal my car, its like they had a key and drove it away...?? I got a call from the police and i guess they put it on a cinder block and my bowling ball i had in the car. O and the fuked up thing is they charged me to get the car out of the impound when i picked it up.. so i get my car stolen and i have to pay another 140 dollars to get it back with no freaking times....good times... here's a picture of what it looked like |
Silver Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 218 Registered: Jun-05 | man that sucks horribly makes you think twice about bumping around when your gonna park your car |
Silver Member Username: RideredderCornell, IL USA Post Number: 110 Registered: Sep-05 | I live in a town of 500 people and I have had my system stolen. True, I used to bump around town every day, but I know pretty much everybody in my town and there are only a couple of people that I know that might do something like that. When my stuff was stolen, my car was parked right in front of my friends house on the main street in town. There are cops driving around constantly here and none of them said they saw anything. I have a Mustang hatchback and they broke out the hatch window to get the stuff out. How none of us heard any of this happening is beyond me. But, a while before this happened, I was in a pretty big city, going to the mall and notwhat. I left my car for about a half an hour, and when I returned, I had all of my CD's where stolen (except for the one in the CD player). About $500 worth. My car was locked when I went into the store, and it was still locked when I came back. The system was untouched. |
Bronze Member Username: Ruxpin20DeTroiT, MIchiGan Post Number: 32 Registered: Oct-05 | yeah i think that companies have skeleton keys that are universal for some cars, like if you have a hookup at the dealership maybe you can get a key that will open any certian car. Thats how i think they got in and stole my car, thats really the only thing i can think of. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 155 Registered: Sep-05 | yea, they are plenty of skelton keys are out there! u can also get a copy of anyones key if u have something called a VIN# and title!!!! My key has a chip in it, so it all dependant on the vehicle! Small towns, where everyone knows everyone is dangerous, cause they know where you stay, and they hear you bass'n up town. LOL I hate small town like that! Cause you dont know who is really your friend! The main city here, is like 45 miles out from where I live, so I bump in the city and everywhere else besides my little town. LOL I mean CRUSH!!!, cause I dont park there! Even when parking @ my friends houses, my stuff is off before turning in their neighbour hood, Cause I know I may have to spend the night. Just be responsible while bass'n! I still recomend an alarm, so it can alert you and also scare the pooop out of them! Im getting ready to install a NEW alarm/start with FM range! I think its like 100$! I do all my work myself. This time, Im settting it up so if u open the trunk, the alarm automatically triggers! not like a shock sensor or nothing, It will be a dirrect tap of the hood pin trigger! Rovin I hadnt got any pics, got to pick up some more batteries, this digital camera, is power hungry. LOL I took out my complete system, so ill be hooking the new 1 up soon! Redoing everything. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5095 Registered: Nov-04 | There should be no pardon/reduced sentence for rapist, child mole$ter$, car thieves, and home invaders. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3947 Registered: Jun-04 | I had an idea to add video survalence in my car that would get activated by motion that way unsuspecting criminals would get caught on camera ten id take the recorder feed to the police the only thing I can see id have to do is notify in small letters of course UNDER VIDEO SURVALENCE .....what do you all think? |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5096 Registered: Nov-04 | They will steal your camera too! |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3950 Registered: Jun-04 | not if they cant find it or remove it besides id still have them on video cuz they wont get to me i got ideas |
Silver Member Username: Texas_bassHouston, TX Post Number: 161 Registered: Nov-05 | ok on the car keys there is no master or skelton keys for cars. There are tryout keys for losksmiths which are all precut keys. but to get any of the tools needed you have to be a locksmith and to be one you have to pass a 20 yr backround check by the FBI. Even if you have a transponder key if you have the equitment for it its not a problem the hardest ones to do programed keys for are dodge, crysler because you need to get a pin code fron a dealer or a certain company that has key codes |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 156 Registered: Sep-05 | u can get those locksmith keys all over the net dude! lol all a transponder does is tell the computer the approx resistance of the key, within 5% tolerance; so if you know the keys chip resistance, u can bypass the circuit easily. there will allways be a way around something, its just about slowing them down. the camera idea is cool if u had the bandwidth to do it. or even rf. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5164 Registered: May-04 | One thing to help yourself is to use special screws for EVERYTHING you install into your car. Hex, torx, Robertson, Tri-wing, torq-set, spanner, any type of fastener that can't be taken out with a common screwdriver, nut driver, wrench, or socket. If you were very worried about it, check out the ones from these guys: A thief couldn't do much of anything with that as long as you make sure whatever you have is fastened to something solid. |
New member Username: JohnleabuPost Number: 4 Registered: Dec-05 | 1000 bucks in screws haha screw that lol get it |
Silver Member Username: RideredderCornell, IL USA Post Number: 114 Registered: Sep-05 | The only thing they used a screwdriver for was to break the hatch window out. And then took a big chunk out of the spoiler with it. The amp was screwed into the carpet but, you know, carpet flexes. They obviously knew what they where going for because they had big wire snippers to snip the 4 guage wires. But, they also snipped the RCA's instead of just unpluging them. I hope they got a big shock from the capacitor. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 3357 Registered: Jul-05 | just buy some pyramids, so when people steal them the joke will be on |
Silver Member Username: GreeneyGrove, MN US Post Number: 106 Registered: Dec-05 | well in my car u cant get into the trunk unless you have a key but that doesent mean jack- they could just take a screw driver and hammer and pop the key hole (not to give anyone any ideas) but basically you need a good alarm system and if they do steal your stuff- hopefully the alarm doesent work so when u tell the store that they will have to replace what was stolen/broke. that luckily happend to my friend- someone threw a brick through his window and the alarm didnt go off so they gave him a choice of an electic starter put in or 1000.00 in amps (he took the amps btw) |
Silver Member Username: GreeneyGrove, MN US Post Number: 107 Registered: Dec-05 | depends where u got ur alarm system put in and whats in the contract or w/e^^^ |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5166 Registered: May-04 | "1000 bucks in screws haha screw that lol get it" It's more for the people that plopped $10k on Rainbow References ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5102 Registered: Nov-04 | $100 fence charger does wonders for cars with lot of screws and exposed metal. Very easy to install too. |
Gold Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 1435 Registered: Nov-04 | My sister has her amp welded to her frame. |
Silver Member Username: SpyderEglin AFB, Florida USA Post Number: 219 Registered: Jun-05 | here is an idea.....false amp rack of lanzar amps....have them screwed in with allen head screws. then put your amps under your seat with fan cooling!! if the theif doesn't know where the amps are he can't steal them. |
Bronze Member Username: Ruxpin20DeTroiT, MIchiGan Post Number: 39 Registered: Oct-05 | After i got all my stuff stolen i purchased a alarm that pages you if it is going off, which has saved me once when someone broke out my window. The car was kinda far away from my appartment but the remote thing started going off and i ran out there at 3 a.m. in the morning in my boxers just freaking mad as heck. Then a couple minutes later another alarm was going off a ways away, so i figured it was just some drunk college kids comming home from the bar breaking windows. Anyway the morale of the story is get a alarm that will tell you if it is going off or not and plus you get a cool remote start. |
Silver Member Username: RideredderCornell, IL USA Post Number: 123 Registered: Sep-05 | Yeah, I looked for a good long while at alarm systems. I found a good one for $200, but never bought it. I live in the same district as the town, but I am about 2 miles from the actual town. If anybody comes around my house, I have a 30/30, loaded, waiting for them. And Chauncy, I didn't go as low as Pyramids, bought Volfenhags instead. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 177 Registered: Sep-05 | 2way fm pager is what im getting! "2way" it alerts you the user, through walls cause its on a fm freq. if u are getting an alarm, I would pick 1 of these. Im getting ready to order 1 next week. replacing my older 1 |
Bronze Member Username: BradrgilmanGALvEStoN , Tx Usa Post Number: 98 Registered: Nov-05 | Heres a great tip! Put broken glass or razor blades on the back of the box or anywhere that cant be seen but will be grabbed when trying to take out the box. After they freak out and bleed everywhere you can do a blood test if your system is jacked or if they stab your subs out of anger. Remember its there so you don't lose your fingers. |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1265 Registered: Nov-04 | Quote: "I had an idea to add video survalence in my car that would get activated by motion that way unsuspecting criminals would get caught on camera ten id take the recorder feed to the police the only thing I can see id have to do is notify in small letters of course UNDER VIDEO SURVALENCE .....what do you all think?" Sean i had that same friggan idea man...i dont c how u would get it 2 record though, My exact idea is like have 5 cameras pointing at your equipment(one for each piece so the number varies) and a couple at eye level so u can get a shot of thier face or somen.... same way with a camera and shock sensor, have a camera triggered by one. and have like the video camera's like turn on by an auxillary channel from an alarm ya know. Main question: how would u record the video from the cameras? |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1266 Registered: Nov-04 | Another sorta good idea i guess... take bodys of like sony amps or somen and carfully put the guts of a better amp in it, and like try 2 get your good woofer reconed with like some crappy brand lol Might just work |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5109 Registered: Nov-04 | There is such a thing called 24hr video recorder. It recycles after the end of tape is reached. Some have triggers that record when it detects motion. You can also hook it up to your computer and record in mpeg format. There, time will only be limited by your harddrive space. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 180 Registered: Sep-05 | first of all the cameras will have to have LEDS, so they will be night vision compatable. This will then make them noticeable at night! Some cameras can transmit on RF (wireless), but the receiver must be nearby or within range. The reciver could be hooked to a vcr, or it can be digitally recorded by a Video card in a PC. U can buy cameras and video cards packages on ebay. I had to setup a survillance system earlier this year for a company. For the car it can be done if you have away to transmitt the video long range (internet) The software will let u pan and zoom the camera online! Or i u use RF, hide a VCR under the trunk or seat. But still someone can steal the whole vehicle. |
Bronze Member Username: ManiacPost Number: 27 Registered: Dec-04 | just get that alarm that takes pictures of the person thats breaking in and it sends them to your email i was thinking of getting one of those theyre only 150-200 dollars. And put a kill switch in there so the car wont start. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 181 Registered: Sep-05 | alarm that send u a email? thats funny! it will have to be online to do that!! It will have to be able to use & comunicate with the TCP/IP protocal! hah! (that mean a computer, also online) that alarm will also need an OS send me a link of this alarm system, LAMO Kill switch is a good idea. But if someone really wants your sh@t man, they just goin to tow it!!! Manufactures have all types of kill switches buddy, mine even kills the fuel pump! Mercedes have had ANTI tow for years! They still get towed! Post the link of that alarm email thingy! |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3962 Registered: Jun-04 | "Main question: how would u record the video from the cameras?" these other ideas are good but I was thinking along another angle when i had this idea i shared...I was going to put a car pc in my car that would stay there then i could make my own custom alarm with sensors and all while also connecting the video survalence to it all a pc can be built very small esp if you seperate the pieces like the hard drive and run the wiring elsewhere in the car like in a place it COULDNT be removed quickly or even seen all the wires in your pc can be legthened or added to interconnect with other divices with a little know how and they dont have to be in the case a store sells you..ive seen them in windows xp cd operating system boxes including the hard drive and all....a cd rom or dvd burner drive could be relocated as well simply be modifying the wiring as for video feed to home yes you could do a wireless connection also ...a simple wifi setup could easily connect from driveway or parking lot positions....creativity is the limit and I know where to buy computer parts cheap too so all this could be done on a very small budget |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3963 Registered: Jun-04 | "But if someone really wants your sh@t man, they just goin to tow it!!!" my answer to that would be add a gps locator and have the pc system notify police upon being triggered as stolen gps can be done very very cheap also ps my video survalence would be recorded onto the hard drive |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1267 Registered: Nov-04 | u can get GPS for free...all u need is a GPS antenna thing... Lol sean, u can build a carputer? |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1268 Registered: Nov-04 | u can get GPS for free...all u need is a GPS antenna thing... Lol sean, u can build a carputer? |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 183 Registered: Sep-05 | GPS is like 40$ cheap GPS locator. is the correct name, do a search. But u will need the software to interperet the anternna. simple software like Microsoft Streets & Trips even come with the GPS locator. Yea computer can be easily made! I would purchase a MICRO ATX MB. the really really tiny ones. I would leave out certain parts, like the cdrom or use and external 1 that can be unplugged. Maybe an external hd would be a good idea also, located up under the dash! I know these cameras are super duper cheap now, like 30$ like u said sean, if u buy the camera cards and software, that is the alarm system! the software triggers alarms when motion is detected on a certain camera. so yeah, the pc will be the alarm system its just about beeing creative. also about protecting your investment. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 184 Registered: Sep-05 | sean u want to look towards the lines of getting a PCI. cause it sounds like u want it digitally recorded. This is a example of what they look like, some even come with camera bundles. Z5843893942QQcategoryZ48634QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Bronze Member Username: ManiacPost Number: 30 Registered: Dec-04 | My bad B i had it all wrong lol i just found the link again and it sends the picture to the little alarm pager not your email lol and its $400 although i had found it in another place for cheaper but i cant seem to find it.I think this is still a good alarm. Its the second one down. |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 185 Registered: Sep-05 | lil one, I thought so but yea that is a 2way pager alarm! which is still 4x better than the traditional ones. so when your pocket starts to vibrate, u can run outside with a ruger let a few off in the air, and u will never have the problem again, lol but 400 is alot for that 2way, ive seen them for 120$ shipped! |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3964 Registered: Jun-04 | "u can get GPS for free...all u need is a GPS antenna thing... Lol sean, u can build a carputer?" yeah building a car computer would be pretty easy to do it right you would want a mini itx pc (thats the kind i said fit in a windows xp cardboard box) or you could build a pc like you using now with a inverter hooked up ...i imagine a power supply could be built for that to avoid the inverter .....the mini itx pcs have thier own dc power supplies to match your cars charging system its just a little circuit board basically...building a pc nowadays is pretty easy its just getting over the fear of trying and doing a little reading |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3965 Registered: Jun-04 | B thanks for your info too.....See we can come up with ideas together....who knows maybe a whole new product that could sell |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3966 Registered: Jun-04 | "GPS is like 40$ cheap GPS locator. is the correct name, do a search. But u will need the software to interperet the anternna. simple software like Microsoft Streets & Trips even come with the GPS locator. Yea computer can be easily made! I would purchase a MICRO ATX MB. the really really tiny ones. I would leave out certain parts, like the cdrom or use and external 1 that can be unplugged. Maybe an external hd would be a good idea also, located up under the dash! I know these cameras are super duper cheap now, like 30$ like u said sean, if u buy the camera cards and software, that is the alarm system! the software triggers alarms when motion is detected on a certain camera. so yeah, the pc will be the alarm system its just about beeing creative. also about protecting your investment." and dont forget you still have a computer in your car anything you can do in your house you could do in your car and remember programing can make you any piece of software you want....I believe car audio is headed this way...if not ill make it that way |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3967 Registered: Jun-04 | I have a friend who is a very good programer lol |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1270 Registered: Nov-04 | lol me n sean think alike...remember my idea sean? lol shhhhh..... u got any links on how 2 build like a carputer of ya own with like parts you need lists and insructions so i can get a better understanding of how 2 build my own |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3968 Registered: Jun-04 | lemme see if i can find some sites to inspire you and maybe help |
Bronze Member Username: Kwrubel21Shelby Township, MI United States Post Number: 86 Registered: Dec-05 | my machine shop teacher at school has this old thing off of a model t. it's something electric that has two screws and an arc of electricity through it. he put it under his seat with a case of metal over it, and ran a copper wire to his frame. so when anyone touched his car, they got a bigass shock. i know it's a huge shock, because someone hooked it up to the shop door and when i went to go open the door, i couldn't even take my hand off the door because the electricity locked my muscles up. good times.. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3970 Registered: Jun-04 | Heres a few sites (put this one together ecoustics wont allow the right way) |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3971 Registered: Jun-04 | We need a section on the forum for carputers and modded pc's for home as well. What do you all think? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3972 Registered: Jun-04 | Also I have a website saved in my email where a guy took a car amp shell and put a computer into it...ill see if i can find it |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1274 Registered: Nov-04 | lol a few sites? gawd ima spen the whole day readin this cause of u shawn lol |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3973 Registered: Jun-04 | here it is...pretty cool made me want to build one lol |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1275 Registered: Nov-04 | hurry with that amp shell link sean lol...and tell the adm,in bout the carputer, give him this link |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3974 Registered: Jun-04 | lol well thats why i put so many of them there so you can save the links into your favorites and read them later |
Silver Member Username: GreeneyGrove, MN US Post Number: 138 Registered: Dec-05 | how much do u think one of those would cost to make? |
Gold Member Username: 54danny54Betsy layne, Kentucky.. USA duh Post Number: 1276 Registered: Nov-04 | thanx 4 the links....i bookmarked em...ima get off here and workout for a bit then il read em i skimmed each and they look nice Remeber 2 suggest the carputer suggestion Start a thread about it, get a few "good idea" responses from peeps and show the admin |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3976 Registered: Jun-04 | i sent the suggetion to then and my carputer links ....I also need to send them pc mod sites |
Silver Member Username: GreeneyGrove, MN US Post Number: 139 Registered: Dec-05 | hey sean do u know how much one of those carputers would be to make? very tempting |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3978 Registered: Jun-04 | Heres the other part of that site with the carputer amp mod ......he has other projects he did with home computers |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3979 Registered: Jun-04 | well it all depends on how powerfull of one you want to make a 500 mghz home pc could be bought off ebay shipped for 50 bucks and the price of the inverter would be added plus a nice car pc screen would need bought which could cost between 150 to 300 dollars shipped bu tpay attention to inputs and outputs on the monitors and the resolution rates .....a simple add on screen would be a visor mounted screen or a dash mounted screen but they arent as easy to find.....ive also see flat panel home monitors used in cars....imagine a 15 inch computer screen in your car lol |
New member Username: AjisupPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-05 | The best thing to do is Krazy glue everything to the car ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Graphix1Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T... Post Number: 326 Registered: Oct-05 | ^^^^ the best one yet. |
Silver Member Username: Texas_bassHouston, TX Post Number: 178 Registered: Nov-05 | Hey B the fords are a transistor and so is most of the stuf out there the olc chevy are the vats which only have 15 different resistence but if you use the wrong one for the vats your locked out for a while and how do you plan that they can go through all the frequencys for the transistor and on dodge its the same like the chevy after a try or 2 with the wrong key your locked out for an hour even if you get the right key |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 198 Registered: Sep-05 | all transponders are the same pretty much, all VATS work the same. I never said that onboard VATS computer will not attempt to lock them out! its easy to go through all the frequencys Thomas. Its called a "POT" Potentiometer! the transponder has a POT in it, u turn it, get the freq that is within tolerance! so if u had a pot within the ranges, then u could tune it! u use the wrong key, it disable the fuel pump etc u put the right key in, the computer will know the diffrence and try to reset all codes. its not like it will lock u out, for the day! |
Silver Member Username: AstrosafariDelhi, Ontario Canada Post Number: 146 Registered: Aug-05 | hmmm i have a van... i know a guy that puts a gas shot off valve and a kill switch in his truck to keep people from steeling it, my parents jeep has a thing in the keys so if a different set is used or a copy, the jeep shots off for 10 hours automatically. with my van, to get the back doors onlocked is to hit the passenger window switch, and that unlocks the back door, but my keyhole is siezed back there. what about shaving the door handles? and getting a door popper kit, and then getting those shutter things on the hatchback windows, like the mustangs had... a guy i know has a handsfree kit in his truck, the mic come out up bye the suvixor, could be like a little camera like on the movies.... |
Silver Member Username: AstrosafariDelhi, Ontario Canada Post Number: 147 Registered: Aug-05 | i heard that mounting an amp to metal is no good for it. is this true? |
Silver Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 201 Registered: Sep-05 | thats a lie. |
Anonymous | if u mount an amp to metal its like grounding the amp kinda in 4 different locations cause of the screws and this can cause noise....this is if its grounded to metal grounded in your car. At least this is what i was taught at II |