Okay, before anyone gets up in arms, I am new to the audio scene and just looking for information. I have just purchased a Yamaha Rx-V757 7.1 AV Reciever and am looking for speakers. I have read all the Bose bashing on this forum so no need to re-hash that here.
I want to know if anyone has compared the Orb Audio Spheres with the Gallo A'Diva Ti spheres. Any recomendations? I am placing this in a room where appearance is more important than sound (literally, the wife has to be happy about it or else), for that reason, I MUST use satelite speakers. However, the room is 22 X 22 feet with 10 foot ceilings., FYI, there is pecan (hard) wood picture frame paneling on the walls that makes this room virtually impossible to work with asthetically.
Can anyone recommend Orb over the A'Diva speakers? Orbs are less expensive by a substantial chunk of change, but Orb insists I need the Mod 2 setup for a room this size, which gets in the way due to asthetic intents. Gallo offers ceiling mounts, perfect for asthetics, and some reviews say ceiling/wall mounts steady the spheres increasing the frequency range by 20%. <-- is that good?
Bottom line, I want the Gallo for the mounting options, but want the Orb for the price. Has anyone out there heard both?