Hey, my friend is makin a new system. He has a 2000 dodge durango and is takin out the 3rd row.
He wants a pretty loud/good sounding system, and this is what he wants.. and he needs some other help on deciding what to get. He'd also like to go through online stores, not ebay. Suggestions please!!
Subs *3 dual-2 ohm Alpine 12" Type R's subs wired in series,1.33 ohm resistance, correct? He's pretty set on the type R's cuz of their price and performance, I found them for i think $145 shipped at onlinecarstereo.com is there a cheaper/reliable place?
Box *sealed, not sure the volume yet... suggestions?
Amp for subs * any suggestions?? cuz its a weird ohm load *price can be 400-600 max ish
Speakers *suggestions, I was thinking a set of infinity perfects 5.1 for the front, and rear speakers any suggestions? I thought for real fill you dont really need a 2-way set, am I correct?
Speaker amp *suggestions, can spend 275-375 max
Head unit * suggestions, he wants a flip/touch screen, can spend prolly 1200 max ish