The plan is, to have 2 channels powering my components. One for each set. Then, to bridge a channel and have it power my sub. Is that a good idea - because with this setup I cannot independently control the volume of the sub/components. My sub is rated at 175 watts RMS, and the amp is going to be pushing 220ish to it. So thats why I'm afraid if I turn up my speakers, I'm going to toast my sub. What do you think?
(Kappa Perfect Components) (RE RE12 Inch Sub Sealed)
Ok, well let me state this again. That is what Im able to do right now, so is it going to be a problem - and yes, I am pushing 4 ohms to my sub mutlow.
shouldn't be a problem. an extra 45 watts isn't gonna blow that sub, unless your clipping. just make sure the gains are set appropriatly and that you have the crossovers, HU or Amp, set right.
do you have 1set of components=2mids, tweets etc, because 2 sets of components is 4 mids, tweets, etc. those kappas are 2ohms, so you have to run them stereo mode on any amp.