Any tips or deals on GPS Systems? I need it for Car and Boat at $300 max.


Bronze Member
Username: Bradrgilman

GALvEStoN , Tx Usa

Post Number: 65
Registered: Nov-05
Does anyone know what GPS would be the best for around $300 or less. I need it for my car and also for fishing in my boat. I guess I need a handheld or one that can be removed easily. If you have any tips, deals, or want to sell one let me know!

Unregistered guest
Have you thought about a map? You know, the folded paper thing, fits nicely in glove compartment of a car.
They are like under $10. Think of how many you could get for $300!!!!!!!!!!1

Bronze Member
Username: Bradrgilman

GALvEStoN , Tx Usa

Post Number: 74
Registered: Nov-05
Did you think of a spot in open water? What will a map tell you? Think of how long it would take you to find an underwater structure!

Unregistered guest
Hmmm.. good point.
Except, people have been doing it for thousands of years without a GPS system. How do you think they new where the titanic was at? Longitude and latitude points. I was just trying to offer you a way to save some cash.
Try walmart, they have a lot of low budget gps systems. Should have something in that price range.

Bronze Member
Username: Mvanmeter


Post Number: 26
Registered: Jan-06
you might try doing some research on this unit, Garmin units, even refurbs, are fairly bulletproof

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