With dual VCs, they have 2 connectors per side. Connecting them in parallel will lower the resistance by half. In series, they will add. Therefore, for 4ohms DVC, each sub in parallel will equal 2ohms. Now, both in series will give you 4ohms (pos to neg).
So, you are wiring pos(+) to pos(+) and neg(-) to neg(-) on each speaker. Then you are coming off the amp's pos(+) terminal and going to the neg(-) of each speaker then from the neg(-) of the amp to the pos(+) of each speaker. Is this right?? Sorry for all the q's but I want to make sure I understand this.
Correct on your first question, pos to pos and neg to neg on each speaker/sub. Then take pos from one sub and connect it to neg on the 2nd sub. Now use the connectors left from each sub. Amp's neg goes to neg on one sub, and amp's pos to the other sub's pos.