Determining Port Length from Frequency


Unregistered guest
Ok, I'm completly lost on this one. I know I need to achieve 30 hz, and I need 4.0cuft of space. I'm told this is the formula you use to determine the port length, but what about the volume inside the port? This is insanely confusing.

Lv = (23562.5*Dv^2*Np/(Fb^2*Vb))-(k*Dv)

Dv = port diameter (cm)
Fb = tuning frequency (Hz)
Vb = net volume (litres)
Lv = length of each port (cm)
Np = number of ports
k = end correction (normally 0.732)

Can any1 give me any insight? This is for a 15 inch RE SE sub.

Unregistered guest
Ok, after plugging everything in:

Dv: 20cm (7.87 inches)
Fb: 30
Vb: 113.27 liters (4.0 cuft)
Lv: X
Np: 1
k: .732

I get a port length of 30.63 inches thats 7.87 inches in diameter.

Seems a bit long doesnt it?
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