Well, my JVC KD-SH99 bit the dust because it is giving me a ERR 06 message and CD's wont come out and a gear is broken and yeah...just dead.
I also have XM Radio with the SkyFi2 connected to it via the AUX IN from the front of the head unit.
Basically, I have to get a new head unit. Now I do not want to spend over 200 if I do not have to and I am using stock speakers that came with my Mazda Protege 2003.
Any idea on what head unit to get? The main thing I need on it is an AUX IN to connect the XM Radio because FM modulation sucks.
I am thinking of a Kenwood MP628, a Sony CDXF5510, a Pioneer P6700MP, or a JVC KDG510
The JVC is nice because it has a front AUX input like the one I have now, but the others look nicer. Would it matter which I pick if I am just using my stock speakers? I am also thinking of upgrading my speakers as well, but nothing expensive.
The Pioneer is probably the best HU overall out of the ones you named, but you need an adapter to use the AUX input, which would cost you a little more money. The Sony has a direct RCA input.
Thanks for the replies. I finally settled for a Kenwood Excelon KDC-X789 for 182 shipped. I heard great things about it and it was good for my budget. The 889 was 50 dollars more, but I don't think I would really use all of those features.