These speaks any good?


Bronze Member
Username: Mwright1000

Post Number: 66
Registered: Dec-05 8892711QQcategoryZ32819QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem

Got my system almost built, just need speaks. Need to 6.5's and 2 4x6's. Going push them with a pioneer DEH-P7700MP HU and an Audiobaun A4004T. The speaks are driving me nuts so I need some good advice. I went over budget on HU, AMPS and SUBS so I only got about $200 left for speaks. Let me know what ya think. Thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Mwright1000

Post Number: 68
Registered: Dec-05
Do I really need components with that amp? Won't the crossovers in the HU and in the Amp be good enough to get good SQ?

Silver Member
Username: Solacedagony

New Jersey US

Post Number: 685
Registered: Oct-04
You can get decent components for 200$. Right off the bat, you can go with the ever popular Infinitys. I know there's more for around that price range, although I'm not sure offhand.

Bronze Member
Username: Mwright1000

Post Number: 69
Registered: Dec-05
Both sets components for that amount??

Silver Member
Username: Solacedagony

New Jersey US

Post Number: 688
Registered: Oct-04
Depending where you go, you might be able to find the Infinity reference comp sets for that much.

Oh here we are, 99.95 a set on (Ebay Store). emZ5839846979QQcategoryZ32819QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem
There's also MB Quart, Alpine, Diamond Audio, and other cheap sets there.

If you don't feel comfortable with Ebay, you can also go to where they have them for 123$/set. ccount_ID=5&sort=account_name&=Update+Selection also is an authorized dealer for CDT, good comps, so you can see what those run as well.
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