FordEx98 Unregistered guest | Hey guys, First off great site. I know this is the place to go for finding good info. I'm deffinitly going to register when I get a chance. I'm new to car audio, and am looking for guidence on a new system in my 98 Ford Expedition. So far I think I'm going to go with the Infinity 12" Subwoofer (1242W) offer at Circuit City (2 for $100). This is a good deal right? My budget is low, like $300ish. I'm looking for mostly a good SQ subs but also some that can really pound. I listen to Rock and some Rap, and I wanna really feel the bass when I got the rap on. What Amp do you think I should get? I wanna spend maybe 200 or less on it. The Infinity 12" are 1000watt, 300Watt RMS each, and I want to power two. I also need to get a box which I am unsure of which one to get. I like the looks of the plexiglass ones but those are kinda expensive. I was thinking of the audiobahn 8000T (I think its called, you know which one I mean). Any other suggestions? THANKS A TON, Ryan |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2675 Registered: Jul-05 | are the subs 2 ohms or 4 ohms |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 1214 Registered: Oct-05 | you gotta realize though why are they selling them so cheap. probably overstock cause no one is buying them. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2680 Registered: Jul-05 | good point |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3475 Registered: Jul-05 | hey wake up CB - the 1242 model is 4ohms dvc 2 of those = a 1ohm load so u CANNOT use that amp got with this amp instead great price on those subs cause thats like 1/2 price ....... |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | They are 4 ohms according to CarDomain. I hear these were pretty decent especially for 50bucks each. They are the Infinity Reference 1242w. Link is |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 31 Registered: Dec-05 | So if you were to take that amp at mono 1x800 and wire them to those speakers in parallel you would get the speakers at 2 ohms each at 600w rms? Is this the right calculation? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2682 Registered: Jul-05 | i thought the last 2 might mean 2, |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | Ya Rovin thats the amp they were talking about. Is it a good one or is there a better one for around the same amount? What ab for the subs. I'm thinking for the price they can't be beat. I'm not wanting to drop a ton on this system, but the Reference 12" look like they are quality compaired to subs around that price range (like audiobahn subs). |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 32 Registered: Dec-05 | also that amp and speakers are A LOT CHEAPER ON EBAY |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | I know the amp is cheaper on the Bay, but ebay can't beat the 50bucks per Sub on the 12" reference that C City is offering. Its a buy one get one free deal. With Ebay charging like 30 for shipping from most sellers there is no way they beat City's free shipping/buy1 get1 free deal. The amp I'm thinking of Ebaying if I decide to go with that one. Thanks for all the help so far guys! |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3477 Registered: Jul-05 | the thing is very few 600wrms amps go down to 1ohms so thats why in this case & 4 a low budget too, i rec a 2chan - doubt u can get much better new 4 that lil bit of $ . Crutchfield too recently had that very same deal on those subs - check & see if its still on ........ |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 33 Registered: Dec-05 | FordEx98 I'm with ya! I'm going to go get 2 myself this week. Now I have a couple questions to add. Is the A8002T in the $200 range the best amp to go with these speakers? Was I right om my calculations above? Also I need a box for these what's better ported or non ported? Thanks |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3478 Registered: Jul-05 | u wire those 2 subs like this ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2688 Registered: Jul-05 | the A8002T is under 150 on ebay, for those it is the best for the price, and i dont understand it all the way, but where did u get the 600 rms |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 34 Registered: Dec-05 | I don't know I'm new but trying. Don't I get an A for trying? LMAO Rovin where do you get the 1ohm from? Is that what the amp is stable at or is that what the speakers will be after wiring them that way? Thanks |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 35 Registered: Dec-05 | Woops forgot to ask about the box which is better? Thanks again |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2690 Registered: Jul-05 | Sealed Advantages: Easy to build, smaller enclosure size, lean tight sounding bass, better power handling vs. ported design and Linear low bass extension. Disadvantage: Less efficient as compared to ported design. Overall The box internal volume should be as close as possible to the recommended by the manufacturer. If a box is smaller than what it is supposed to be, the sound will be tighter, but more amplifier power will be required. If the box is too big, then the sound will be muddy. Ported Advantages: More output at the tuning frequency as compared to the same woofer in a sealed enclosure, higher efficiency. Disadvantage: Larger enclosure size, Calculating enclosure and port dimensions more difficult,easy to blow woofer if power handling limit is exceeded. Overall The box itself acts as an amplifier, yielding to more bass than a sealed enclosure (3 to 4 dB). Ported boxes do not have a linear frequency response. If the box is not built according to specifications, it will not sound good. The box design acts as a filter, cutting off lower frequencies. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2691 Registered: Jul-05 | and u get an A and a gold |
New member Username: Kevho66Spring, TX United States Post Number: 5 Registered: Nov-05 | Are you getting the 2 ohms because they are DVC? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3481 Registered: Jul-05 | the 1242 sub is a 300wrms 4ohms dvc sub - click on my link above so 2 of them can be wired togethewr = 600wrms @ 1ohm , but a 600wrms @ 1ohm amp is harder to find & more pricier ... but if u get a 2 chan amp then (1) 4ohm dvc sub = 2ohms so its a 2ohms load on each of the 2 channels of a 2 chan amp - hope that helps u follow why i said get that amp above ...... |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 36 Registered: Dec-05 | So what you are saying is a 4ohm dvc sub wired in parallel is 2ohms. I gues I'm a little confussed with the above pic. It's showing 2 subs wired to 1 channel which gives you a 1ohm load so if you wire 1 sub to one channel you only get a 2ohm load. Is the right? |
Silver Member Username: Young_jamesCanada Post Number: 370 Registered: Sep-05 | =Dual+Voice+Coil+-+2+ohms+x+2&image.x=25&image.y=8 Go here and play around with it for a little while, and get familiar with all the different configurations you can have.......then this converstaion will be much easier for you to understand. |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | OK I think I'm going to seal the deal. Any last comments, again I'm going with 2 12" Infinity Reference Series 1242W. (4 ohm DVC) This will be wired the way Rovin posted in the diagram above, and powered by a Audiobahn A8002T. What you said is finally making sense to me Rovin. On the site for that amp they have all the info like; "200 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms, 400 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms 800 watts RMS x 1 at 4 ohms" Since the subs are 4ohms DVC they have a 2Ohm load. And since there are two of them, each channel would have a 2ohm load, and each sub would get 400w RMS... Is this correct? The recomended amount is 300w RMS to each sub, but there isn't any harm in giving it 400w? I'll also probably buy a sealed box somewhere. Last question, the Ex comes with a decent factory Headunit thats attached to a 6cd disk-changer. The disk changer won't work on other headunits so I wanna stay stock at least for now on that part. This won't cause any problems right, I know I have to get something special because i doubt the HU has RCA outs. What exactly do I have to get? Is there any loss in quality because of this? Thanks again for all the huge amounts of help! Ryan |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | Blah sorry to double post, in the item discription it says: "preamp outputs, preamp- and speaker-level inputs". Does this mean I don't need to get special wiring? The link to the amp is here: |
Silver Member Username: Young_jamesCanada Post Number: 372 Registered: Sep-05 | I think you will be quite pleased with those subs. They can easily take 400wrms, just don't get freaky with the gain. You need a converter that will replace your regular speaker wire from the back of your HU with RCA plugs that you can run to your amp. I'm not exactly sure where you can get one, but the guys may know so they may be able to help you out there. |
Silver Member Username: Young_jamesCanada Post Number: 373 Registered: Sep-05 | btw, that's an awesome deal on those subs. Around here, if I wanted to buy them locally, they are $199 CAD each!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 41 Registered: Dec-05 | Ok one last question. In the diagram above it states if you wire the 2 4ohm subs that way they create a 1ohm load. So does that mean you can't wire the speakers that way b/c the amp is 400w RMS x 2 at 2ohms? |
Silver Member Username: Young_jamesCanada Post Number: 374 Registered: Sep-05 | I think what Rovin ment was to run each sub off of each channel. One 4ohm DVC sub will show a 2ohm load. This means that you put one sub on one channel, so each channel will be operating in a 2ohm load. You can't wire to 1ohm b/c like Rovin said, it's hard/expensive to find an amp tha does 600wrms @ 1ohm. It's cheaper to get a 2 channel and run each sub off of each channel. Hope that clears thing's up for ya! |
Bronze Member Username: SexytrocaDallas, Texas United states Post Number: 22 Registered: Oct-05 | Hey FordEx98 i have first hand experience with that combo and my recomendation is to wire the subs in parallel but wire one sub per channel. a friend of mine has that combo and is running each sub at two ohms, this thing moves the hair on my head everytime it beats. he has it in a sealed box, each sub gets 400 watts, teust me its the way to go. taking your system to 1 ohm may prove to be more expensive because ull need a capacitator and a whole lot of stuff to keep you battery from damaging with the high power draw from that amp. |
FordEx98 Unregistered guest | TYVM for the info Arturo. I will most definitly be wiring in parallel like you described. I'm excited ab the new system. Again thanks to everyone for the help. I'll be sure to post some more info once I get it all installed or if I have any more questions. -Ryan |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3518 Registered: Jul-05 | RYAN - Do take 2 minutes to register !!!!!!!!!! .............. |
Bronze Member Username: Mwright1000Post Number: 44 Registered: Dec-05 | Same here thanks for the info. I'm going to try the same set up. Going to biule my own box. Will let you guys know how I make out and post pics!! If someone would go over to the speaker section and read this post I need some advice there also. Thanks |