Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 67 Registered: Sep-05 | 2 caps in my price range i am looking at. geting a cap for xmas and i want to know what is the batter one out of the 2. |
Silver Member Username: TheelfkeeperStockbridge, GA USA Post Number: 633 Registered: Feb-05 | both about the same. with caps, the most important thing is Low ESR. both of these are pretty low and very close. the first one has an ammeter built in, which i thought was pretty cool. you do know that a cap isn't gonna solve any electrical problems, right?? |
Silver Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 106 Registered: Oct-05 | dont look for a cap, unless you have a alternator that puts out 150+ amps what kind of system do you have?? your amp better be around 2500 watts because that is how big of a cap. you would need for an amp like that |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 68 Registered: Sep-05 | i am looking for a cap to push 2400rms atm its only 1200rms.. upgradeing later with strapable amp and i am mostly geting a cap for the looks but i want it to work good to. and i have no idea what my alt is.. its stock. 1997 monte carlo ls. if u happen to know what amps it is let me know plez. |
Silver Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 107 Registered: Oct-05 | i dont know but if you dont get a new HO alternator around 180 amps your car is going to not sound as well because you alternator is the whole parts of the electrical system and if you are getting that big of a cap. you will be draining your alternator out. which is def. bad. first find out amps of alternator upgrade to a cap. ask anyone, thats what you do. |
Silver Member Username: TheelfkeeperStockbridge, GA USA Post Number: 635 Registered: Feb-05 | stock alternator isn't gonna be big enough. you'll definally need a HO Alternator, at least 250 amps, 190 for the 2400 watt amp and 50-60 for the car. more for any other amps you have. |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 69 Registered: Sep-05 | so my stock alt wontbeable to do 1200rms? |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 70 Registered: Sep-05 | or is the cap to big? get a 1.2-1.4 cap insted? |
Silver Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 109 Registered: Oct-05 | yea get a 1.5 farad cap. You dont need that big of a cap. and why are you looking to show it off just for looks?? more likely to be stolen, i know tons of people who have gotten theirs stolen because it lights up and other people can see it well. if you are upgrading later, first get the alternaor. then see how your system is, if you lights dim then it means your alternaot isnt big enough, so go with a 200+ alt. a cap. isnt really a big deal. |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 71 Registered: Sep-05 | cap is going in my trunk withg the subs and amp.. there is a thing every firday at target around here when people go to show off there system.. wont be seen unless someone wants to see what i got.. 2 12" type-r. most people around her have audiobahn sub so i got to out do them ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 72 Registered: Sep-05 | look at the 1.5 caps on this link. witch cap is the best one? i was looking at the nitro bmw but what do you all think |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 74 Registered: Sep-05 | oh and btw i am going to upgrade my alt this cap is a xmas gift from my gram and gramps. but cant upgrade it for a few more weeks thats y i wanted to know if it will work with my stock alt |
Silver Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 112 Registered: Oct-05 | yea for now. i dont know about that cap. what is the ecr for that?? it doest say do i dont know bought that one. |
Silver Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 481 Registered: Jun-05 | Hmmm...wonder exactly how that display that measures the amps works.. Does it just measure the amount of current traveling back to your amplifiers..? Does it measure just how many amps the capacitor itself is putting out? How many it's pulling? Hmm... |
Bronze Member Username: Scott_tPost Number: 82 Registered: Sep-05 | .0017 ers for or .0018 ers for what cap of them would be better for my system? |
Silver Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, Or U.S. Post Number: 116 Registered: Oct-05 | i say the 1st one |