This is all i have for right now and i was wondering if the jl 500/1 whould sound good with 2 12w6v2's in the sealed prowedge box ? Cant afford a 1000/1 right now.
ya those will sound pretty good too the w6v2 would have a little better sound quality but the 2 w3v2 would be louder than 1 w6v2. if you have the 500/1 the w3v2 will work well as well as the 13w6v2 which will be a little deeper then the w3v2's.
Anonymous / im pushing 2 12w6v2's right now off my crossfire vr1000d and its wired at 1 ohm so im sending about 500 watts rms to each sub and they sound great with this much power.
I also own a jl 500/1 and am gonna be doing the same setup as you.
2 12w3v2's in prowedge box off my 500/1
This should be a very efficiant setup and cause less stress on your electrical system and get loud and sound great with anything you throw at it.
I will make a updated post once everything is set next week.
Jonathan / why do you like the IDQ 12's over the JL 12w3v2's ?
Also my jl dealer around my way is trying to sell me 2 12w3v2 prowedge sealed setup for $575 plus tax. Do you think i should go for it or get 2 IDQ's and have a box built for them ?
sealed or ported on both subs ?
Looking for mostly SQ here for a daily driver but whould like good amount of musical SPL for rap.
cardomain has them for $199.95 each which whould come up to $399.90 and then discount $36.00 for additional savings which brings the total to $363.90 and that whould leave me with aprox $212 dollars for a box and i know i can get one for way less then that.
I whould be saving roughly $100 if i go with 2 Image Dynamics IDQ12 D4
instead of the 2 JL 12w3v2's in the prowedge from my local dealer for $575.
Both whould be authorized dealers
Lastly they whould be both pushed my the JL 500/1 so im kinda leaning toward the 12w3v2's to match them up better unless the IDQ's whould sound better of this amp.
I got my 2 JL 12w3v2-D4s off ebay for 295$ (with shipping)They were brand new and have great SQ and they get really loud. im running them off a orion 600D amp. I would check on ebay they will be a lot cheaper...