In my reg cab silverado 05 I have 2 12" in a ported box with one sub behind the passanger seat and one behind the center seat? I cant put the center seat up for a 3rd person. It has to stay down because the subs stick out to far. Does anyone have any suggestions other then a new box? Is there a way of taking off the folding seat and moving farther up? If so, what kind of brackets will I need and how do I do it? Thanks!
Yeah, they did move the whole seat further up but it is still not far enough. Do you think it can be moved up even farther, and how do you bolt it in? Im guessing you have to drill new holes? Thanks
yea, you have to take out the whole thing, like the brakets and EVERYTHING. if your willing to give up compfort?? then do it, you have to make sure you get all the brakets up and move them, but you can do it