alright guys i have a Brahma 12 and i'm puting it into a plane squar box, but i want to put a plexy glass window in one side of the box so you can see whats going on in side. now i plan on using 5/8 mdf, what size plexy glass should i use, or should i get a bigger size wood also because i can aford it. i just want the box to be really good.
and it will be to brahma specs, and is it okay to use plexy glass.
5/8" MDF is probably the best thing you could use for that box. I have built many boxes with it and it is a great thing to work with. I have done plexy glass windows before and from what i have learned you can get thin plexy glass just as long as the window is small. Try to get as thick as you can. As long as you seal around the window than further secure it with screws in each corner. As far as wood goes for one sub 5/8" MDF is fine, 3/4" and 1" isnt going to make a differance. Plus 5/8" is lighter and easyer to work with.
you'll need 1" lexan. it runs about $1,000 for a 4x8 sheet. anything less will flex, and cause poor driver performance. that's why you don't see many enclosures with load-bearing plexi panels.. you see the cheap thin plexi crap on best buy qlogic bandpass boxes, but those panels don't have to withstand the full compressive force of the drivers.