Bridging JBL BP300.1?


New member
Username: Fusionone

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05
I've searched like a banshee trying to find out if this amp can be bridged, or whether its even worth doing so.

I have a 1230w infinity, which is rated to 300w rms. This is a 4 ohm SVC sub.

The amp is a JBL BP300.1, which is rated to 150w@4ohm, and 300w@2ohm. Its a mono amp with dual speaker connections.. what I'm wondering is, if I bridge these two connections, would this make my sub run at an equivlance of 2 ohms?

Sorry if this seems like a really simple and stupid question, but I really can't seem to find any info regarding this amp and bridging.

Thanks a ton for your responses!


Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 607
Registered: Feb-05
if its a mono amp, theres no 2 outputs, just 1 with 4 connection points in your case. thats to make wireing easier.

New member
Username: Fusionone

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-05
So, really.. no way of pushing her at 300w? I'll have to live with 150w, then.. until I switch the 1230w out for some 1030w's. :-)

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 235
Registered: Sep-05
the 1030's are rated at 250wrms each. You would only be giving each one 150wrms. It will work, but you should consider gettin a bigger amp and push them to the max. I have heard these powered right, and they get fairly loud.

First off, no You do not need a stronger amplifier because I sold a BP150.1 and only connected one channel to one 1200 watt speaker @ 2ohms and the BASS was ridiculas.

And yes you can bridge it. There should be some indicator like the word bridge or a line from end to end on your amp at the speaker terminals where you can bridge it and you will notice a significant difference.

Silver Member
Username: James_g


Post Number: 413
Registered: Jul-05
No, he can't bridge it.

It's a friggin' mono amp.
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