I was just waondering if anyone knows if a sealed or a ported box would be the best, I know that the EBP is a little low so I should go with a sealed probably but I was just wondering if anyone had any insight for me on this.
what sort of car? how much power? what are you after? what sort of music?
Posted on
i have an 89 buick, i'll be putting around 1500rms into it and i want significant spl(cause thats what the sub is made for) but i still want sq to be there too, and i listen to everything. i want to put it in about 2.5 cubic feet with a port tuned to 30hz, just wondering if that would work well for the sub. i would go sealed but i want the most out of my investment.
i have a kicker L7 15 and alot of room what is the best box for me...i listen to rap and rock...also where can i get the plans???PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY INFO...LABEL IT SUB BOX...THANX ALOT