say u have a 2 channel amp pushing 300w x2 at 2 ohms. and u have 2 sets of components (4 mids 4 tweets 4 Xovers) and they are 4 ohms and need 150w each. could you run 2 to each channel or no becuase of the crossovers. thats something ive never learned is how impedence and power is diveded and what not with crossovers. help appreciated thx.
look at the xo for what it does. most basically, it takes an incomming signal and seperates the frequencies. then it sends these frequencies to their respective drivers. look at these different drivers as parts of one large speaker. passives are based on FREQUENCY distribution, not POWER distribution. so each driver receives the full amount of power as would one. of course there is a bit of overall power loss when using passives over an active set-up.
oh and to make sure im understanding. my 300/4 puts out 75x4. so when one channel goes to an xover which goes to a tweet and a mid. the mid and tweet are seeing 75w each or together total?