Just installed a new profile profile 600m amp with an infinity 1030w sub. not the greatest amp, but i'm on a serious budget. got everything wired fine but i cant get anything out of the amp but the damn protetion LED.
i assume it's getting power, or there'd be no light at all. the light goes off when i remove the auto turn on wire, or the power wire, but messing with the RCA cables does nothing, and the light is only on when the key is turned. i've got it grounded to the metal under the carpet in the trunk. speaker wire is connected correctly, fuse isn't blown. i checked the amp manual and it says stuff about making sure the speaker wires arent crossed with the ground and some other crap, none of it seems relevant. i can't seem to pinpoint the problem. should an amp power up even with no speaker wire attached? connecting/disconnecting any wires has no effect, except the turn on wire and the main power wire like i said above. is the auto turn on not wired correctly? i have a clarion head unit, i connected the turn on wire to the blue "antenna power wire." any insight would be greatly appreciated.
sounds like its wired properly and functioning properly.. or trying to. the amp may be defective though.
you have it wired right though. remote tells the amp when to turn on. the main +12 line feeds the actual power ground sounds good yes it'd turn on without speakers connected
hmmm, thanks. couple more questions. does it matter where the power cable is connected? like there's the bolt that holds the terminal tight on the battery, then 2 other screws coming off the terminal with wires going back into the car.
and are there any other places to connect the turn on wire? someone said maybe because it's connected to the antenna turn on (the only blue wire) that it only turns on when the radio is on? i wanna isolate the problem, so if i disconnect the RCAs, AND the speaker wire, and just have turn on, power, and ground, the amp should still turn on correct?
connect the power line to the battery terminal so its got a good, solid connection. make sure you used the proper cable gauge for both +12 and ground.
some head units offer both power antenna and remote trigger. if you're unsure, just connect the trigger line from the amp to a +12V ignition line so the amp turns on when you put the keys in and turn to accessory, or start the car. that'll work, but sometimes may cause noise in the system, or a thump when the car is started.
i used a multimeter to test the remote wire, it gives a reading when the head unit is on, and no reading when the head unit is off, so i think that is connected just fine. i also get a reading from the power line so i think that's connected fine too. i'm not sure *what* it's supposed to read, but there IS power running through it. I assume all car batteries are pretty much the same, and the wiring i'm using came from an amp wiring kit so i assume that's correct also. i think maybe the amp is just bad? thanks for all the help, glasswolf.
Had this happen to me today... Amp light on, so I figured it was getting pwr... Protection light was only on for about 5 seconds then turned off. After find all the fuses "good", I was sure the amp was toast.
I was 2hrs from home, so I stopped at Best Buy... Yea Best Buy... The guy there was so cool. He used the volt meter to test the pwr wire at the amp and it did not register the 12 volts. Popped the hood and tracked the problem down to the "good" fuse. THE FUSE WAS BAD. Very interesting that the fuse looked ok, but was actually toast. So, that said test the pwr wire at the amp for 12 volts. You may have to replace the fuse or the wiring hard to say. Definatly check or even just replace your fuses. Good luck. DON'T forget to pull the power wire from you battery when replacing fuses. When in doubt, disconnect the battery.
thanks for the help guys. btw i checked the voltage directly at the battery also, and it came up exactly the same as power wire and turn on lead. so i figured the amp was dead, and took it back to the shop, and yep, it was toast. swapped it out for a much nicer kicker amp now, installed and worked first try. <- happy camper.