Where did all the threads go i can only find a few


Bronze Member
Username: Texas_bass

Houston, TX

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-05
Where did all the threads go

Gold Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 1332
Registered: Jul-05
i ate em, no but 4real it happens all the time like once a month there doing maintance or somthin

Bronze Member
Username: Texas_bass

Houston, TX

Post Number: 16
Registered: Nov-05
i was trying to check up on one that i had going

Silver Member
Username: Six

Flint, MI U.S.A.

Post Number: 224
Registered: Oct-05
I think they just got tired of the same old repetitive questions... like "which is better", "what ohm", "what gauge wire", "what size cap", and last but not least, "Type-R Vs... Every other goddam noise-makin sub in the book."

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 519
Registered: Apr-05
Ya, personally i think the admin should not allow any more L7, audiobahn, or volfehag threads anymore. they should be permanently deleted. if you have any questions or concerns, then you should look em up in the archives. lol

I would use the emoticons so i dont seem like such a hard a$s, but i dont know how to do it...sob, sob.

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 520
Registered: Apr-05

so you are a roofer in michigan? whats that like (weather-wise)? what type of roofing do you do? built up or pitched systems.

Username: Admin

Post Number: 862
Registered: Dec-03
It's fixed.

Silver Member
Username: Six

Flint, MI U.S.A.

Post Number: 225
Registered: Oct-05
Yeah the weather is considered "Michigan-Weather" lol. That's the only way to describe it- Scortching hot one minute, you go to sleep, wake up, and it's freezing lol. Ask Joe Smoe, I believ he lives in MI. I've done a few pitched roofs in the winter... only after considering the upgrade in pay. I also do built up roofs and siding. I've taken a break lately and been dooing alot of car detailing.
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