Kicker says their SoloX square subs are winning both SPL and SQ competitions such as the 2004 USACi World Championship Super Mod 1001-5000 for SPL in the soundoff lanes AND world titles in sound-quality championships.
Now their engineering shows the square design to provide more surface area than a round sub, thus the extra SPL. But wouldn't the square shape have an adverse effect, or at least inferior sound wave compared to a round surface?
I know the soundwave projects horizontally from the cone, but is there anything to the smoothness or musicality of the soundwave projected from a round cone vs square? Of course a round waveform is musical compared to a square distortion waveform, but I'm not refering to that.
From what owners are saying, they find the Kicker sqare subs to be SPL and NOT SQ, yet Kicker and USACi, etc. seems to find SQ in those subs...
Kicker will obviously find that but is USACi and others being honest or are they persuaded by other "factors"? Or am I wrong about a round sub having better SQ by design?
Also, is there any amp, sub and speaker company that consistently wins the best of the best competitons and is it an unbiased, honest win?
In other words, who makes the best SPL, who makes the best SQ and who makes the best SQL products based on consistent wins?
If such a theory exists and holds true, has anyone built a system thsat uses the best (judged so by consistent wins) SQ up front and best SQL or even SPL sub system?