Okay my friend had a "1200" sony amp hooked up to two "800" watt pianeer subs. His car was just broken into and the subs and amp were stolen. He had his wiring done at a local shop. So... guess his insurance is paying for the whole thing just he has to pay a 100 detuctable because his car was on file at the shop. But listen to this, he can get any two 12" subs that are less or equal to 800 watts. And he can get any amp that is 1200 watts. The shop was tryin to get him two w7's and two 1000/1 amps. But my friend isnt tryin to go to jail for insurance fraud. So now hes ending up with two trype r's in a custom box with a 1000 watt alpine amp!! The shop just told him after he sent in the forms or whatever to the insurance that they were gonna hook him up with alot better sub and amp combo than the alpines and less than the JL. But i guess he doesnt want suspision of insurance fraud. What do ya guys think? A good set-up?
Well, unless he had his system insured, he shouldn't get any compensation for it. I don't see why they would give him more than he had (which wasn't much to begin with).
yeah same but he didnt want any contiversy. But the reason why hes gettin such a good deal is because he wasnt even sure what he had anyways. The insurance doesnt know the difference between 1200 watts amps.lol
you think they would have just looked at the retail price of the items and given him a check for that. but either way he did luck out. I had to take my car to a body shup b/c someone hit me and their insurance was covering and the ba$tards cut my wire for my sytem i took out my subs but they still cut my wire from the battery to the amp and my capacitor