Got a 2001 Dodge Durango, currently has Infinity speakers in the door bottoms and tweeters toward the top. I just bought the 6010CS speakers for both front/rear doors. Each box has two speakers, two tweets, and two crossovers, duh, no crap, but how do I hook this all up? Currently there are two seperate power plugs, one running to the speaker and another to the tweeter, not split or anything within the door. Do I just use one set of wires and hook them to the IN on the crossover, then run wire from the crossover plugs to both speaker and tweeter? Would this work? Thanks guy! I'm a n00b to this stuff so take it easy on me :-) ALSO! What the heck is -3dB? The crossover has a wire clamp for this next to the in/sub/tweet wire clamps? Thanks guys, you rock!
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ok the -3dB setting is to hook your tweeters to. this setting will just make them a bit quieter. I personally have my tweeters pluged in the -3dB setting.
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the wire from the radio goes into the 'in' on the crossover box
then wire the woofer to the woofer part
and wire the tweeter to the tweeter part
try the -3db setting first and if thats not enough highs for your taste put it on the other/louder one
put your grills on and make sure your crossover boxs and the grills dont rattle