I plan on Buying a 12 inch kicker L7 (750w rms, 1500 w peak) with an Audiobahn A8000T amplifier. I was wondering if i plan on using it at 2 ohms (800w x 1 RMS) should i get the dual 4 ohm voice coil model or dual 2 ohm model? I read on one website that the dual 4 ohm was for putting 2 or 8 ohms into it and the dual 2 ohm was for putting 1 or 4 ohms into it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
The amp will put out about 750rms at 2 ohms an after losses which are always present you will be puttin about 700 rms into the sub which is enough an get Dual 4 ohm so you can wire ittopresent the amp with a 2 ohm load ..Audiobahn amps are a tad bit over rated when it comes to there RMS claims but dont worry the amp will be enough power for that particular sub
I heard that audiobahn amp actually puts out like 780 watts RMS. Even if it did put out 750 watts RMS, that is still a good deal, 750 watts for only $140.
Yeah..Between 780 to 750 RMS is well worth 140..the thing is that you cant ask 140 for it used when people can buy it on ebay for 140 new so i would sell locally or trade it for some sh*t at an Audio Store that does trading ..ive taken in a junky old jensen an got 100 on the trade at Audiotek in South Houston