Bronze Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 86
Registered: Oct-05
I'de assume these subs are 2004 models, the Bostwick site still has the pic of them up, they're 8ohm 10in models.
Parameters are:

Fs= 25.18hz
Qms= 8.8040
Qes= 0.3579
Qts= 0.3439
Vas= 67.30 Liters
Sd= 0.034636 Sq. Mtrs.
Re= 6.93 Ohms (DCR)

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 478
Registered: Apr-05

Here is your graph, and specs:

Fs= 25.18hz
Qms= 8.8040
Qes= 0.3579
Qts= 0.3439
Vas= 67.30 Liters
Sd= 0.034636 Sq. Mtrs.
Re= 6.93 Ohms (DCR)

The following boxes do not include driver displacement. Please add for driver displacement otherwise it will alter the FO etc.......

Sealed = Red
VB=15.61 Liters / .551 cubic foot
F3=58.12 Hz
No stuffing

Ported = Yellow
VB=32.15 Liters / 1.135 cubic foot
FB=27.66 Hz
F3=34.12 Hz
Install 5/8" to ¾" thick carpet padding on just the top and back walls. Do not do all of them.

X-bass = Blue
VB=48.63 Liters / 1.717 cubic foot
FB=24.81 Hz
F3=29.29 Hz
Install 5/8" to ¾" thick carpet padding on just the top and back walls. Do not do all of them.

From the graphs it seems that the ported will be the most effective. It stays at par almost at the roll-off. The X-bass starts to decline slowly above 100 Hz , but it extends 5 Hz lower. It's up to you. Just my $.02.


Gold Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 1370
Registered: May-05
wow. bostwick. now that brings back memories

Bronze Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 90
Registered: Oct-05
Bostwicks, the OLD Lanzar subwoofers, and the 90's era Kicker subwoofers are all still avaliable straight from the factory. I love finding buried treasures : )

Bronze Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 91
Registered: Oct-05
Thanks alot Mix, they're definetly going ported. I ran a graph using Win ISD and got similar results but not as thorough as your program (boxes came out to 1.4 cubic feet with 13.3in 3in ports). I really appreciate the work you put in for me.

Bronze Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 93
Registered: Oct-05
Mix one quick question, how do I calculate the port volume on that box?

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 487
Registered: Apr-05
I havent used the formulas for a few years now ever since the software programs came out with the infinite slide rule. I use the BassBox Pro6 to calculate it for me. I just input the port diameter and it gives me the port length. If I go too wide it tells me in red that the box is too small for the port size. I usually just try to get the widest diameter port without going over. If you have too narrow or short port, then you get port noise. It sounds kinda like extra air.

If you want to subtract/add port displacement for it, I wouldnt even bother because on a PVC port all you have to subtract/add is the walls of the port, not the entire port.

I used David B Weems books to calculate X-overs and ports back in the days. I learned a lot from his books, and yes they come with all kinds of usefull formulas.

Bronze Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 98
Registered: Oct-05
hmm better question, how long should I make 3in pvc ports for this enclosure?

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 490
Registered: Apr-05
I am guessing that you are asking how long would a 3" port be for the 32.15 liter ported box that BassBox Pro6 has designed for your sub.

If so, then the program says 19.82", BUT it is highlighted in red (saying that the port is too big for the box.

If you are reffering to your WIN ISD 1.4 cubic foot ported enclosure then BassBox Pro6 says 17.65"

Both of these calculations are using 3" ports

Silver Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 101
Registered: Oct-05
What would your port recommendation be on one enclosure running 3 of these in the ported (32.15) enclosure? The total enclosure volume will come to 95.45 liters or 3.4 cubic feet. I can do a square vent, but would prefer 2 to 3 3in PVC ports.

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 494
Registered: Apr-05
I would build a box with three separate chambers (two dividing walls). So each sub will have its own box(so to speak). I would port each enclosure using a 3" X 19.82" PVC pipe.

I would recommend to stay away from just one chamber and three woofers sharing the same space. If one woofer goes out (for whatever reason), then the volume would be way off, and change the sound. There is interference when there are multiple drivers sharing the same space.

Silver Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 106
Registered: Oct-05
hmm, this may call for some creative construction, maybe L ports running out and on top of the enclosure, that's something you don't see everyday. I'll seperate the boxes as well, I never thought about sub failure or tolerance control on the subs either, thanks for the insight.

Silver Member
Username: Redskin


Post Number: 207
Registered: Dec-03
You have to take into account the volume of the whole port not just it's walls when calculating how much bigger the box needs to be.

Silver Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 112
Registered: Oct-05
Redskin I fully understand how to calculate port displacement and woofer displacement the graphs above didn't list what I needed for the 1.135 cube box. I wanted to know how large the port needed to be and what size was recommended. At this point I don't know if it's going to be more of a PITA to make a ported box than it's worth because it looks like it's going to be hell to fit a proper sized pipe in one.

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 497
Registered: Apr-05
The 1.135 cubic foot box originally came with a 2" X 8.141" port.

You then asked for a 3" port. So the length changed to 19.82".

The program highlighed the 19.82" port in red, meaning that it would be too long for the size of the box.

So like I said before in another thread, " I usually try to get the biggest diameter port without going over" So I usually back it off one size below the red highlighted one. This is to overcome port noise.

Silver Member
Username: Nutty91rs

Bloomington, Indiana USA

Post Number: 113
Registered: Oct-05
How well will the 2in port work in this enclosure? It's going to be another week or two before I start building so I've got time to plan for it.

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 507
Registered: Apr-05
According to BassBox Pro the 2" port is the largest port that would fit inside the box volume.

The 3" port would be too long. Thats why it was highlighted in red.

The wider the port diameter, the longer the port length has to be, compared to a smaller diameter port.
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