i need suggestions on an amp that will put out 1000wrms at 2ohms or 2000wrms at 1ohm. which ever is fine. i am looking for an amp that will give good power to the 12 inch alpine type x.
how am i going to connect them? if i strap the two they are 2ohm stable. if i decide to connect each amp to each sub, i can only get 2ohm from each sub to the amps. the subs are dvc 4ohm. there is no way i can connect two subs to make 2 ohm. paralle connection would give me 1ohm and series-parallel would make it 4 ohm. each sub in parallel connection would give me 2ohms each.
i think the birthsheet was something like 1430. i didn't buy a b stock. you know what though, the guy who sold me the audiobahns didn't know anything or he just wanted to sell me two subs. the audiobahns i have are 2ohms dvc and 1500wrms. the guy at the stereo place also connected them in parallel. that gave me .5ohms. after reading many posts on this forum i learned about how to connect the subs. so at first i did series-parallel giving me 2ohms from the two subs. well that only gave me 600wrms from my amp. so now i made my own slot ported box which is 2.2 cuft and tuned it 30hz for one sub. one sub hits way harder than when i had two. it actually sounds pretty decent.
so i think i kinda rushed in to buying the type Xs. i realize now that it would have perfect if i just bought one re 15in re sx. i think the 15inch resx is 2ohm dvc and 1000wrms. i'm sure it can handle alot more than that though. too bad i didn't see it when MO was selling his. that one sub would have been perfect.
if its 1430 then that'll be 715 wrms - not too bad/far from 1000wrms . Nothing's wrong with it being underpowered a little bit & u don't have to match the numbers perfectly .
If were me i'd used that Kicker & if u find the subs still have potential to go louder then upgrade your amp .....