i didnt even know the world series was over? notice how >no1< will wake up the next day after the superbowl and not know who won it. football is so much better
Heeeeeey - don't diss Soccer ,its the world's most popular sport by a wide margin & in the rest of the world its called FOOTBALL .....
Reason why there's a 0-0 score sometimes is because both teams are so good .
Even though we all know that the WWE is scripted - i still like to watch the brawling & acrobatic action ,glad its back on USA network on Monday nights ! . The unecessary drama/overacting is what i can't stand .
I like 9 Ball POOL too ,can't stand the other types of pool though ...
lol. of course. even the blood looks so fake. personally i watch the WWE for the drama not the braw. the fighting is fake so pretty much you know whats going to happen. but the drama is so stupid that it's funny. it's always interesting to see what kinda stupid drama they are going to come up with.
Did u watch it on last wk Mon Oct 17th when Stone Cold did his 'stun' thing on all 4 of the McMan(spell check) family - it was so freaking false . Stephany sure does have a shweeeeet rack ,doesn't she ! - this Mon night gone she appeared prancing around in a low cut loose top & i was just hoping that 'things' would spill out - lol ...
me likes watching the female wrestlers in their outfits ....
no i couldn't see that. first of all i didn't know raw is back on usa network. when it was on spike tv i think it was, i couldn't see it cause when i got home from work, it was done. last WWE broadcast i saw was when smackdown moved to friday nights.
my friend watches these wrestling videos online that he is sure they are real. i tell him theres no way they are real because he tells me they wrap barb wire around peoples necks and use a cheese grater on their face. theres no way, thats just plain illegal! lol
UFC is pretty cool to watch. but out of fighting. karate and kcikboxing are the best.
Yea it moved back since Mon Oct 10th . Since it was removed about 2 yrs back i never saw it since cause we don't get that channel but its back & i'm back watching . I did prefer the previous WCW company though like GoldBerg ,Sting ,Rick Steiner & the rest from that era .....
Some of the blows they take are real though not as strong as normal force . When they fall off the heights though i think the pain is genuine though - lol
No offense Rovin but soccer is the worlds most popular sport because the U.S. is not the best yet. But thats about to change real soon, then there going to make another sport and it will be a matter of time b4 we take it over
"because the U.S. is not the best yet" - i don't follow ......with all the great footbaling countries of the world they could never make the top 15 or 20
Anyway i mainly look @ news highlights & view the goals & not really follow it like a fan daily/weekly.
But when it comes to the World Cup every 4yrs (its on next yr) - I DO pay attention ! ...
im just saying if we win the World Cup the rest of the world we be super pis$ed, because everyone views americans as fat,lazy, no it all's, so if we win we would kinda prove the stereotype wrong.
The best sport was old school Trans Am racing from the 60s. Hard fought, brutal racing. The difference is that most racers today couldn't take the heat of a Boss 302 Mustang on a road course without a water cooled suit and a cold air inlet to their helmets.