how do they compare to the coax JL Audio TR's? I have a truck and do not plan on getting any subs should i put the 6w0's in my doors or just put in the TR's
Oh and they will be amplified
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use foam baffles or kick pannels. Those little suckers will pound the crap out of your doors.
Justin, what exactly are you comparing? One is a sub, and the other, a full range speaker. Are you trying to replace your stock speaker with 6w0 or TRs? If installing in your doors, stick with TRs.
I plan on having some eclipse 4x6" in dash and 6w0 or tr's in doors what would you do... im not geting any subs ever in the truck and am wondering if 6wo will be good in the doors
If all you have are the 4x6" speakers, I'd stick with TRs. Without them, you'll get poor SQ. The 6W0 are more of a filler, rather than a replacement of full range speakers. If after TR, you feel you need a bit more mass, then add 6W0, but do not replace TRs with them.